Thursday, April 30, 2009
9:14:00 PM

When I'm still working at UOB, I'll usually draw a pic to represent the mood for the day!
Days when I'm busy, I can be as busy as a buzzing bee. When it comes to days when I'm free, I can be really very free.
Giving tuition. Pros and Cons.
1. Instead of working an hr for the miserable $6.50, you get to earn $28 for an hr.
2. Instead of wearing formal, walking up and down the office, you can dress in you comfortable casual outfits.
3. No office politics. No one to piss you off. Perhaps at times, your students. If they're mischievous.
4. You've got your own free time, no longer have to get stuck inside the office from 9am to 6pm.
5. Location - Your choice. Subjects - Your choice. You can choose where you wanna teach at, what subjects to teach. At your own preference.
1. You can't choose the timing. You can't choose the examination dates. So when it's SA1 period, almost all your students will be having exams. There goes your busy time, almost all parents wants additional tuition's! For example, the day before the exam, you've gotta be there to help the kids with their revision.
2. Days when you've no tuition, you can be really very free. Like nothing to do after correcting their assignments.
After all, I enjoy giving tuition more than being a sales assistant (I used to be one). In a way, I learn as I teach. I get to re-visit my basics when I teach. Perhaps, the only thing that I dun really like about would be the timing. For example, just like ytd, after my 2hr tuition class at AMK - 45 mins ride home for a 15 mins dinner - OFF! I've to rush for another tuition class at TPY.
GREAT! 12 May is my GRADUATION DAY and a mum actually called me to want to have a tuition for her daughter at 4pm (when the ceremony begins at 4pm). lol. Perhaps I can spilt myself into 2?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
10:38:00 AM
Well... Here's some updates!
NUS offered me FASS a while ago. Went for the FASS high tea session with Bernice the other day. Ask abt majoring in Econs etc. Just as I was abt to set my mind on NUS.
SMU (LKC Sch of Biz) called me for interview session last Sat.
Before gg for the interview, I'm filled with doubts and fears. I doubt about my writting skills, I fear that I might not be able to speak at the interview session. In fact, I even wanna give up the interview by nt attending it. People around me (my mum, dar, Bernice, Phoi Yee) encouraged me to go for it and give it a try.
Well... almost everyone wore formal that day. As compared to the rest, I'm dressed pretty casually. Stepping into the registration area, I saw people reading "The Economist", "NewsWeek" etc... Anxious and Nervous looking faces everywhere. I turned to look at myself, as compared to the rest, I'm just an average one. Well... Can't be bothered. No preparation is the best form of preparation. In fact, I've actually reached earlier than my reporting time so the waiting time to register was a torture due to the lack of sleep. (Cause for the whole night! I kept thinking abt the interview!)
One funny thing is.. My mind actually kept repeating words from Bernice "You've to be shameless to fight to talk in the interview.... " and words from Dar "You've to be confident in yourself, Show that you're confident..." while waiting in the holding room. Well... Now that it's over. I'm glad I managed to write and speak out during the interview.
Regardless of the outcome, I would say I've no regrets at all. I've no regrets even if I dun get a place in SMU. That's because I've tried my best. =)
10:04:00 AM
This morning, dar came over to have the 'breakfast' I cooked for him before heading off to work. Today is also his Promotion Day!
ANYWAY! Here's sth I've gotta share - HELLO KITTY MANSION in TAIWAN (XIN ZHU).
This Hello Kitty别墅located in 台湾的新竹 is the first Hello Kitty theme mansion. However it requires 3 months of advance booking. As reported, they actually have a 24hr housekeeper to service you! So once, you stepped inside this mansion, everywhere you see will be Hello Kitty! lol!
This is so lovely! So cute!!!! lol!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
10:03:00 PM
I would say: 'I'm very surprised and truly touched by what he has done for me. Thanks dar dar.'
Haha.. Actually I met dar dar after my work that day, was waiting for him at TCC. Dar appeared with a big bouquet of flowers! And to my surprised, he actually took OFF for this day sometimes back!
1st Surprise: A bouquet of roses.
It has been a yr ever since we're tgt, dar has never gave me a bouquet of flowers at all. He only gave me a car boot filled with roses and 3 roses on my b'dae. Thus I never expect to recieve this on that day. What I thought was probably a small gift then a dinner at the coffeeshop near his hse. lol. Thanks dar dar!

So I asked him why he took an OFF day? He kept it a secret. Then I realised he actually took an OFF day so that he can get everything prepared. Well.. As for me, haha... My final product wasn't ready as of that day. So actually went to buy him our anniversary gift during my lunch. lol.

A stalk of rose. (Still remb I gave a stalk of rose to him a week after we got tgt and he still refused to throw it till now, still being place at the side of the dashboard in his car.)

123 grs of BIG LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! Bought chocolates for him from ChocolateFactory! It's very nice. Nice boxes and papers bag. (In case you guys can't see the wordings on the paper bag - LOOKING FOR HAPPINESS? I'VE FOUND IT INSIDE!)
My 6-months effort!
2nd Surprise: Mt. Faber's DinnerHe brought me to Mt.Faber (the place where we officially got tgt. ) In fact, he has already made a reservation at The Jewel Box. Nice screnery. Great food and cocktails!
3rd Surprise: SENTOSA LoveThen we headed over to SENTOSA. Why Sentosa? Cause we love the sea, the beach, the relaxing time we had there. We used to go there very frequently to dine and drink. (Cafe De Mar, The Coasters) Then walk by the sea. =) Nice. Loves!

To dar dar:
Thanks for the sweet and beautiful things that you've done and arranged for me. Thanks for the wonderful one year, may it be sweet or bitter, it'll always be beautiful moments in my life.
In fact, thanks to you that I've learnt how to enjoy life, take things less serious, be more cheerful and pick up sports that I've never dreamt abt doing it or learning them. Here's one interesting sport that I've tried and it's fun! Jumping Jack.

Dar and his friends!

This is me. As you can see, mine is slightly lower than their. Beginner! lol! Initially I tot it's kinda difficult to balance on the metals that curve curve metals. lol. But it's actually quite managable! Thanks to dar for his patience. lol!
Friday, April 17, 2009
9:01:00 PM
Today is my last of work at UOB.
Hmmm.. Nt really much of a feeling (excitment? happiness?).. I'm suppose to feel happy but... it's just a sense of relieved. Relieved because I no longer have to work in that hostile working environment anymore.
Actually I kinda love my work there IF i would to exclude the hostile working environment, bossy and lazy people. At the beginning, this job seems rather tough, as I've to mange with the cut-off time for processing certain transactions. However, things got easier as time goes by. Just like, I used to check my reports hourly to ensure certain transactions got processed immediately.. Now? I simply dump them aside and check only at 4pm.
Learning Experience?
To me, this is no longer any ITP or IAP, no friends by your side. It's all about learning to establish good relationship with your colleagues, making new friends, holding responsibility for your work etc. In fact, if you dun ask, you'll never know how to get things done. If you've gotta see arrogrant faces, let it be. =)