I'm back! First of all, apologies for not updating regularly (it's has been almost a month). Cause my lappie crashed a few times this month so all my photos were gone and I'm lazy to upload them from my phone after the second crashed.
At least, I forced and dragged myself to do it today.. :)
Ohwells, times really passed very quickly. It's already coming to the end of this semester which marks the beginning of the examinations in a few weeks times and marks the arrival of my IAP (Industrial Attachment Programme). Anxious and worried is how I am going to describe how I felt now.
By the way, I've just received the IAP Letter from Ngee Ann..
Guess who's my liason officer?
Just realised that YY's liason officer also BEN TAN!
It's almost time to kiss GOODBYE to NP and move on to my IAP!

And the very last time sitting in the library... which happens on a Mon where I tot there's PLB lecture so ended up reaching school early. Rot in the library :)

Went to watch THE DARK KNIGHT with the gals... Very nice (however I dun think that THE JOKER is scary at all..) But Heath Ledger really acted very well as THE JOKER. Not forgetting the gorgeous Christian Bale, driving his Lamborghini down the road.. WOW~
I never like Lamborghini as I always think Porsche looks better (more curvy) but when it comes to Christian Bale driving the Lambo... you would never think it looks ugly... Ahaaa...
It's just like no matter how ugly somethings can be, it would always look good on someone who looks GOOD too!

Alright... Finally here's the update!
28 June 2008
Dar brought me to see the BLACK KNIGHTS! WEE~ (It's really tough for me.. keep mixing up the BLACK knights and the DARK knight.. I wonder why...) Let the photos tell u more.. :)

Some performance on the stage... AND! Dar's friend, Kim Peng is also down there... So I was telling him that it's easy to locate KP, cause once u spot a banana skin den you'll know KP is somewhere around there! OPPS! =)

NICE!? See the kite.. It's actually tied to the back of some speedy boat den they would go round the Singapore River. As these boat are travelling at high speed, the way the kite moved is really very interesting and NICE!

See the parachute? All of them landed beautifully on the stage! I'm actually quite amazed that they can fly down with "patterns"... Spiral design-looked-alike.

See all the formations! VERY NICE!!! WEE~ LOVE THE BLACK KNIGHTS!
And the beautiful HeartShape!

THANKS DEAR for bring me there to see the BLACK KNIGHTS!!!
He always know how to pamper me with all these... Thou it may be simple but I know it takes the additional effort to check things out.

And the usual helicopter with the BIG Singapore Flag. Dar was telling me it's very heavy and they would fly to dun noe where (I forgotten the place that he told me) to keep it permanently there.
Went over to Suntec Convention Centre to visit the SINGAPORE TOY & COMIC CONVENTION!

I'm captivated by all these beautiful dolls. Seriously they cost a lot! Basically, you can change their clothing (just like playing with Barbie dolls) except that they cost a lot more than them.
The clothes are not those normal princess dolly dresses that your Barbie dolls wear. You can actually dress them in the Lolita Fashion if you like it.. Or dressing them up as one of your fav. comic characters.
The interesting thing is... You can change their EYEBALLS as well.. according to the colours you like.. Like wearing coloured contact.. Similarly, you can buy diff hair wigs for them to change now and then also!!!
The body of the doll excluding the clothings is $160 plus. Eyeballs is like $20 or $30 plus.
Imagine dumping a few hundreds bucks into investing in anyone of them?????

Here's a few random pictures...
Attended his friend birthday party... and he bought a bottle of Chivas to 'torture' him...

ANY TP?? How can you drink when you drive!?
17 Jul 2008
The day before Dar's birthday! THANKS A LOT TO BERNICE!!!!
Met her after my IS classes and she brought me to this store that sells a lot of baking material at Jurong East Central.. After getting all the necessary items, went over to her house to start baking the CUPCAKES!!!
Initially wanted to bake 22 cupcakes for his 22nd birthday but I realised I missed out some for the decoration so gave him 15 instead with the letters on each cupcakes - H.A.P.P.Y 22 B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y.
18 Jul 2008
Dar got his Birthday OFF day! So he came over to fetch me after school and acc me home to do my tutorial. Granny happened to discharge from the hospital. Dar helped granny and served her water and chatted with her (I liked the way Dar communicate with my family members.. he dun thinks it's awkard and is willing to talk to them.. THANKS!)
Went to VIVO to want to catch a movie but it's too late and I'm afraid I would fall asleep in the cinema (Just like the RED CLIFF).. Went WHITE DOG CAFE for our dinner...

Foie Gras
19 July 2008
Didn't work today.. Took a special day off to acc dear. So we went SENTOSA for our tanning session! Hmmm... Dar drove in, wanna catch a glimpse of it.. However we didn't managed to :(
Recall! BEACH.BALL. BABE? The place where Christopher Lee stayed in before he moved his house? It's damn cool!
Where the others parked their cars, you can even parked your own YATCH at your very own Shipyard!

20 Jul 2008
Dar came over to fetch me after my work. Then we meet his friends at Dover MRT station, for a dinner at somewhere near NP. Ben & Jerry after dinner! Loves!
26 Jul 2008
Went IKEA with dar dar to shop for his stuff. Bought a cabinet, mirror, 2 lamps and some lil stuff. Saw Venetia as well.
27 Jul 2008
Dar sent me to work in the early morning! Thanks dar dar for the breakfast. Usually whenever dar sent me to work, he would bring me for a proper breakfast cuz he knows I'm lazy to buy my own breakfast. Thus we would usually have ToastBox for our breakfast and then he would make his way home. However when we woke up late thus we didn't managed to have breakfast together. So he went to buy me breakfast!

My Breakfast!
3 JCO DONUTS - Green Tea, Orea, Tiramisu
HL Milk and Evian Mineral Water
Gio Gio Cheese Sausage Balls
I just felt so fortunate... ... ...
Suddenly I felt that I would be lost if I lose him one day... I don't know why...
I have always been on my own, deciding things in life, facing all the good and bad by myself.
Tolerating the bad, Celebrating the good all by myself...
With him in my life now...
I'm glad that I have someone to share my good and bad...
Someone to lend me his shoulder to cry on any good and bad...
Celebrating my joy with me, Accompany me through all the bad...
I no longer need to crack my brains to decide tough things in life for myself... which I know I hate to decide all these...
He would always lead me to an answer that I actually know but has somewhat been buried by all my confusion and irritation...
He would always be there, listing out and weighing all the good and bad factors for me...
Accompany me through my decision-making process despite me throwing my temper, complaining that I wanna give up...
He takes care of my everything... from the very basic things in life..
Bring me water without me having to say I need water...
Drying my hair for me,
Making honey water for me,
Packing all the basic necessities and clothings for me when we had to stay outside or going to Sentosa...
Coax me to take medication despite all the stupid nonsense that I gave him...
Think of ways to make me have my meals when I'm having gastric problems...
Help me with my sch projects despite having to stay up late and sacrifice his sleeping hours when he has to work the next day...
Fetching me to sch on the early Thurs morning, knowing I'll not be able to make it to the 8am class when he barely had enough sleep...
Acc me to have Mac Breakfast when he knows he might be at the risk of reporting to work late...
Sending me to work on the weekends morning when he could have used the time to sleep more...
I felt so comfortable, so relaxed when I'm with him...
There's simply nothing for me to worry about with him arranging and planning everything...
I'm becoming more and more dependent on him...
He always say he's fortunate to have me in his life but I felt I'm even more fortunate to have him in my life...
I could never imagine life without him or when he is away (for his courses or something else)..
I told myself I must get back my old self, the gal who does everything by herself...
So when he really needs to leave for his course, I'm able to show him, assure him that there's nothing for him to worry about me for I am able to take care of myself...
I'm still learning...
Love you dear... Thanks for everything... =)
hey 我真的好想你
眼睛干干的 有想哭的心情
hey 我真的好想你
最想说的话 我该从何说起
如果没有你没有过去 我不会有伤心
如果没有你我在哪里 又有什么可惜
反正一切来不及 反正没有了自已
hey 我真的好想你
眼睛干干的 有想哭的心情
hey 我真的好想你
最想说的话 我该从何说起
如果没有你没有过去 我不会有伤心
如果没有你我在哪里 又有什么可惜
反正一切来不及 反正没有了自已