I'M BACK! WEE~ Finally the common tests are all over! GREAT!Stressful Common Test period... With modules that I hardly know them well... Ohwells, I dun noe how well would I performed (or rather how badly) Hmmm.. I tried my very best and I'll just accept whatever outcome it may be.. For it's too late to regret now after your tests rite?
One very interesting thing that I realised about myself is that basically I know and understand all these 'logic' but it's strange that I've the tendency to 'TSK! Ahhhh~ It should be this! Shit!" Okay... I've absolutely no idea why is it so... :)
These days I've no idea why I'm thinking about this issue. Sometimes I feel that we all have to grow up one day, standing out there and start earning moolah, no longer under our parents' protection. When things happen, you've to figure and settle them yourself. It's no longer, crying and running towards your mum, hugging her skirt and telling her what happen and then? She'll get everything settled and done for you. Isn't it?
I don't know why... I guess it's like this for everyone? (Maybe not everyone) When I'm juz a small lil girl, I would always want to grow up asap. It's like, I could still remb standing at the assembly area during my primary sch times, when everyone is singing the national anthem (maybe not everyone), I would be staring at the tiles of my old sch building. (I admit that my eyes wasn't moving up or down together with the movement of the national flag when you're suppose to do so) Staring at the tiles, sometimes counting how many tiles are there while most of the time, hoping that I'll be able to graduate from pri sch asap. Then, it seems to me that it's good to be a grown-up, as you can get to go anywhere you want, at anytime, buy anything you like, settle and organized things in the way you want them to be instead of what your mom wants them to be etc.
However, it's now that I feel that I don't wanna grow up. Life is just so stressful out there. People 'fighting' for a job, 'snatching' monies, trying hard to outperform one another by having a better 'paper'?
Think about it...
If life can be that simple, then why do the grown-up always said to the kids that it's not as great as what you think it may be to be a grown-up.
Well.. Enough of my silly thoughts...
10JUNE 2008THANKS SO MUCH, dar dar!
He came all the way to just to pass me this! A BOTTLE OF HONEY WATER (he made it) and A PACKET OF VAPODROPS!
So sweet of him! LOVES!
Reason being, I'm sick once again :( Was complaining about my sore throat yesterday and it turned from bad to worst today! Accompanied by the bad headache, I'm totally not in the mood to work this morning. But as usual, I still went to work.
Dar really shocked me with his presence! Cause I'm actually watching TV with my mom and granny and then someone knocks on the door and mom was also shocked to see him. Even though mom didn't say it, I would have already guess it's him. And it's REALLY HIM!
Gosh! I felt so guilty up till now!


After the game, we're all so tired....

Nice Pixs! I really love them all! LOVES!
Thanks to our great photographer: Bernice Chua :)

Bernice in her Maxi dress! Nice rite! Envy envy envy... Cause she's tall and she juz look good in that dress! ENVY!!!
I can't grow taller anymore.. so yea.. Sad :(

I was saying that I love buildings with all these spiral staircase, don't you think it has got the feel of... hmmm.. oldies? I don't know.. but I juz love all these buildings!!!

MAY 2008 - Venue: SENTOSA

30MAY2008 This is really very very pathetic for me... Can you believe it? It's just the day before my IV common test and I got rashes in the late afternoon.
Luckily it don't really itch.. It's scary cause I realised it only when I spotted red spots on my palm. So miserable, it's like I've just recover one or two weeks after my fever and cough and then follow up next is rashes. Can you imagine how terrible it is? Especially when you've been on medication for a few weeks, after resting for one or two weeks, you gotta be on medication again. How sad it is :(
OUR First Polaroid Pix!