Friday, May 30, 2008
11:20:00 AM

COMMON TEST! First paper tomorrow... Investments (IV). Then Mon> Treasury (TR). Tues> Practice and Law of Banking (PLB). Fri> Coporate Finance and Advisory Services (CFAS). Here it goes...........
E-learning this week.. No school for BA except IS classes. So went to sch specially for 4hrs of IS classes. Hmmm.. Woke up late. Tired and sleepy and hungry... First time, craving for food so badly.. LOL!
Hmmm... Had been sitting at my study desk, revising my work for days. Slow studying rate means till now, I've just finished revising my IV but I can't be bothered. I should be comfortable with my own studying rate.
For days, dar has always been urging me to get off my com, my desk for bed. OR urging me to have my meals, drinking more water. Hahaha.. Causing him to worry so much for me during this period. SO SWEET!
I'm a good girl.
Getting off my com now. No reason to stay online after MFS E-learning chat.
Be back soon after 060608.
Meanwhile... BEST WISHES to all those taking Common tests and TAKE CARE!

Monday, May 26, 2008
10:20:00 AM
爱来过 - S.H.E
我看不开 也放不开
我要等待 一直等待
而当我缓缓降落 我不再是我
我有了梦 我在梦中
爱来过让我完整过 幸福过
怎么能轻易就 放它走
我不想解脱 我只怕错过
寂寞喧哗 我不害怕
世界很大 会容得下
我这小小 傻傻顽固的信仰
你有没有过承诺 我已忘了
反正我都会守侯 在梦中守侯
我最唯一 最美的梦
爱来过来得那么美 那么凶
爱来过让我完整过 幸福过
我不想解脱 我只怕错过
像这雪花 和我一起在爱中被融化
Thursday, May 22, 2008
5:24:00 PM
INDEED! Those bitter medicines really works well!
But... ... I've still gotta finish the whole course of medication. Sighhh...
Went to buy pressie for the kids yesterday. Hmmm... Thanks dar for his accompany! :) Ohyea! Bought this very cute MEJI snacks from sch for him... Green Tea flavor! (I've decided to collect all the flavors! Buy him every flavors each day! Make sure that he grows FAT! kakaka~)

Very very cute rite! The wrapper inside also very sweet! LOVES!
Went BORDERS... Couldn't find the right book for them... So went over to KINOKUNIYA... It's always tough to get books for the kids.. Thank goodness, managed to find a few... Went CHOMP CHOMP for the very nice porridge :)
and... a BIG glass of grass jelly drink! It's really a very BIG GLASS!

Loves! <3
Monday, May 19, 2008
9:45:00 AM
Argh... It's so terrible... Rest like a dying person. Popping pills for meals. Drinking medical syrup like drinking water. Dun feel like eating at all.. cause throat pain.. How to sallow the food down??? Well.. at least.. I tried to finish up my food... It's really very painful..
Mom drag me to see a doctor just now :( Came back home with a bag of medicines.. All very bitter..
Worst still.. see the medicine in yellow and red.. It's the worst out of all! I gotta open up the capsule, mix with half a glass of water and gargle! It's very bitter.. I dun noe how to describe the taste but then till now.. my tongue still got its weird teste.. :(

No work on SAT cause I've got this FUN TRAIL event. Woke up damn early to make my way to Raffles Place to meet up with the rest... Zzzzzz... Then head off to ACM (Asian Civilisation Museum). It's suppose to be quite FUN to let the students to think about the questions and search around for the answers. However, the school that I'm taking.. finish the whole thing in about 30 minutes time. Due to the help from their teacher. Ended up disqualified. Hmmm..
Went to Allen's bdae celebration too! It's fun.. get to chat with my dear gal (Gloria) also.. GIRLS TALK! Ohyea! Then went ECP for 'catch catch'!

Thanks DAR DAR! SO CUTE! Haha~ I dun noe if it's toufu or sushi.. but it juz look so cute!!

Went work on SUN. Happy working day with Connie. Poor Connie, gotta entertain me instead on SUN cause I'm sick. Hmm... Throat pain.. Dun feel like talking at all.. Yet still gotta serve customers.. Had a hard time talking to them.. :(
After work > HOME SWEET HOME.
Monday > LABOUR DAY!
Dar came along with us to my ah ma hse. Then went IKEA (Alexander). It seems to be undergoing some major revamp or wat.. Some areas were totally cleared.. As if it juz had some 80% Great Sales that ppl went down to snatch off all the stuff.. LOL! Then went to eat this Fish Steamboat near Ngee Ann Poly... Not very bad.. Not very good also.. But it's more worth it as compared to eating at Sakura Buffet last Thurs.
PS: Alright, that's all folks! Feel so sick now.. Can't blog any further.. Use ur imagination to think of how my boring life would be like.. LOL!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
6:34:00 PM
Classes at 0800hrs in the morning is such a pain. Thank god that dar dar came over to fetch me to school, if not.. GOOD LUCK to you, NICOLE! I think it would take a while for me to reach school with an empty stomach. Hmmm... Dar came over to fetch me to sch, went KAP Mac for our breakfast! THANKS SO MUCH! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
As I say before to him, I dun wan the best. I dun need him to buy me stuffs cause I'm able to buy them with my own ability. I've been doing so all along, I can provide myself with what I want, I dun want to him to provide me with all these now. Why should I? Just because he came into my life now? If that's the case, I should just get myself an ATM machine instead of a bf. All I ask for is just a little care and concern. That's all.
Guilty. Guilty.Guilty. Guilty.Guilty. Guilty.Guilty. Guilty.Guilty. Guilty.Guilty. Guilty.Guilty. Guilty.Guilty. Guilty.Guilty. Guilty.Guilty. Guilty.Guilty. Guilty.Guilty. Guilty.Guilty. Guilty.
PS: I'm guilty.. Dun questioned me ever again why I'm guilty :(
First thing in the morning... IS CSC tutor shouted at us today... SHUT UP! I hate ppl to use to the word SHUT UP cause it's just so rude to ask that somebody to shut up, you don't have the right to forbid another person from talking. If you really have you, why don't you phrase it in a better way such as "Can you please keep quiet for a moment?" etc.
Anyway I'm stonning throughout the whole lesson, simply because (ohwell.. I think you should attend just one of his lesson and you would know why..) he keeps bragging about his business. Perhaps once in a while he did go back to talk about CUSTOMER SERVICE but then later... he would just go back to brag about his business and brag about him being the directors of several companies and how many of his clients actually publicise for him, recommending others to consult him.. that goes to say.. he's an expert in CUSTOMER SERVICE. (Now that I'm able to mention what he said made me realised that I'm actually listening to his class.. lol...)
Anyway he just reminds me of my ECD tutor.. who also brag about his business and him publishing his own book etc.
Watever it is... I'm glad that next thurs is his last lesson cause he's too busy to conduct classes anymore.. yay! There goes to say.. I'm gonna have a new tutor for CSC! Wee~ Hopefully, he/she would really be teaching us about CUSTOMER SERVICE and not any other etc etc..
I just feel that I don't go for an early 8am class just to sit there and be your audience while you're bragging throughout the whole lesson that has got nothing to do with CSC.
PRATA HOUSE after lesson today!
Yup... Sherry drove BMW to sch today! COOL! So after WISP, we went to Thomson
Prata House for lunch! With Jae and Sam :)
Hmmm.. met a very funny uncle today.. While Sherry's doing parallel parking, an uncle actually offered to help to assist her by directing her from the back. The next moment when Sherry's done with her parking, all ready to get off the car for our
prata. The uncle told us that it's very dangerous to park here cause the
TPs usually check around this area quite a number of times a day. Thanks! We gotta look for another parking space again :)

Isn't that so big and spacious! And there's this screen that control quite a number of features in the car!
Thanks Sherry for sending me home! Thanks for the ride! :)
Wee~Finally finished my MFS presentation slides!
PS: Don't bother to read this part...
I've been keeping this with me for long.. Well.. I think it's time I should juz blog abt how i felt.. It's just so terrible to keep it with me..
I think, I know, I heard about what some may think.. but I just can't be bothered with their thinking anymore. I'm stressed by my school stuff.. I dun wish to be bothered by what others think... it would only made me feel even more stressful and depresssed. How I felt wasn't known by them and I dun wish them to know either. They may be fine with their thinking that it's just a remark that they've made but they would never know how hurtful those remarks can turn out out to be for me.
I can understand that everyone has their own thoughts and comments on certain stuff but whenever you wanna say it, do think about it again if you would ever hurt that somebody. Well, if he/she is someone whom you really dislike to the core, then that's another case.
I'm disappointed. Those words shouldn't have come out from them.. esp.. them. Nevermind. As long as I know I'm happy, I'm nt a spoilt gal, I put in my 101% for things that are worth my effort and... SECRECT.
Then I dun have to be bothered by what ppl say about me. That's all.
I'm a happy girl! :)
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
8:23:00 PM
PS: Well.. I decided to spilt into 2 post.. If not all my pics will be re-arranged again..

FIRST! My pressie for him! It took me 2 weeks plus to get it done nicely... And... Last minute work means I rushed till 4am on 03May08 morning... It's tiring.. I'm so dead and sleepy but it's worth it! LOL! As usual, SURPRISE FOR HIM!

It took a while for him to open the whole thing cause I deliberately made it difficult for him to remove the strings and wrapper :D

TADA! Our 1 mth anniversary sketch book! Hmmm.. Alright.. It's nth but it took me 2 weeks to get it done.. Alright.. I'm very selfish.. so I will only show a few pages of what's it like inside.. Unless I showed you the pic personally which featured each and every single page! BLINK!

See the movie tickets at the side? It's our FIRST MOVIE on 1oMar2008.

Showcase of a lil bit of pictures... Hmmm.. Here's some pix of the bears that he gave me whenever he play CATCH CATCH :) Notice that each bears comes with a date.. Alright.. It can't be seen very clearly... But it's actually the dates of the day he 'caught' them.

Hmmm.. Alright.. Here's the dates that we went out together, detailed with places that we went, our dinner etc. Thanks to my lil diary!


Had a hard time collecting all these tickets... Nearly misplace them.. Alright.. I admit that I'm clumsy and careless :)

Up: The letter from me to him :)
Down: TADA! Our movies tickets and the Sentosa entry cards :) Dates maybe just dates in this sketchbook. But.. for each dates... it marks each and every path that we have come by together for our 1 month!
PS I LOVE YOU: Thank you for coming into my life. Remember, I don't want the best, I want the simplest :) You should know what I'm referring to :)
Love you dar dar! Happy One Month! Muackz! Wish upon a shining stars....
Once I've been very uncertain, once I've been very bothered, once I've been very troubled. It's tough for me to come so far.. It's tough for me to convince myself... It's tough for me to be certain... I used to think if it's really too tough for me and no matter how hard I tried if I still can't get certain.. maybe it's fate that I should just walk away.
Miracle do happen...
I'm 200% certain. I know how much I'm willing to put in... It's my secret...
It's a tiring day today.. Didn't attend CFAS tutorial cause sth happen at home. I'm freak out and worried.. but after sorting out my thoughts... I learnt to clam myself down. Rushed home to see to the things and make sure the kids had their afternoon nap before I start off with doing what I'm told to do. Granny's worried face really made me feel so worried but I know I can't feel that way... as it would only made her feel even more worried. Granny teared and I don't know how I can comfort her... I wanted to... Tears just flood my eyes at that moment... but I know I can't think of anything that is too negative.. It's tough but I tried.
Mom couldn't call back home so I'm not updated about what's going on... Worried about what's going on.... All I can do is to wait for their calls, calls from my uncles, aunties, granny and cousins... Thanks so much ppl!
Thankfully it's sort of settled.. not really considered settled.. I'm worried about my sis safety... Hopefully this thing would just come to an end. It's really too ridiculous and causes mental stress on my family members.. It's just too much.. I'm tired too... Seriously... I'm very tired today... :(
I'm worried about the safety of my family members, myself and most importantly my sis...
7:04:00 PM
Here's the update...
It's already the Week 4.. I've been having the fears for not doing well for this semester. The modules are just so tough this sem, especially treasury and investments. To think that I can't really differentiate bonds and shares till this day! Good luck to you, Nicole.
Projects are coming in and that goes to say.. I've gotta stay up late to do my tutorials and projects. Life's just getting even more stressful for me.
When it's like this, I've got the tendency to blame on people except myself.. it's always this fault and that fault but never my fault. I'm learning... and indeed I've been controlling well.. Just the stress part that is way beyond my control... Well.. Stay happy!
I'm a happy girl. When it's time to play, play all you can. When it's time to study, study and focus well.

270308. Bright Sunny Sunday Morning. On my way to work... (FYI: I've been late for work by 5 mins.. and my boss has already been questioning me... Humpf..)

Dar's new shades! Alright.. Dun ask me why I've got this awkard smile.. I think I've camwhore too much.. that's why the smile turns out to be like this..haha.. AND AND AND! This is the only pic that he smiled also.. The rest is... erhmm... so fierce :(
PS: I know the word camwhore doesn't sound nice but I can't be bothered to think of a nice phrase to replace it..

02May05. Celebrate Bernice Birthday! Well... We had our SCH U BIRTHDAY PARTY!
It's really very fun and memorable.. Here's the pic..
It started off with.. changing our school uniform in the ladies.. :)

Left to right: Yiye (Cedar Girls Sch) and Bernice (National JC)

Left to right: Nicole (Anderson Sec) and Bernice

Left to right: Bernice and Jae (Pioneer JC)

Left to right: Yiying (Hwa Chong) and Bernice

Left to right: Bernice and Sherry (rep Poly student :)

Left to right: Jeron (Anglo-Chinese High Sch) and Bernice

Left to right: Jeron, Nicole, Bernice, Sam, Yiying, Jae
Credit to the Photographer: Sherry

The Studious Group.