School finally reopens. SOUNDS like I've been waiting for this day for a long while. Actually I'm kinda detest the reopening of a brand new semester. That goes to say, new modules, start all the way from Chapter 1 to blah blah blah and go through Common Test, then project submission period, then examination.
Anyway SO FAR SO GOOD :)
Alright folks, sorry for not updating, as usual, I'm busy or rather I'm LAZY!
#1. As you all know, my lady boss (P) is actually a pro in horoscope. Yup. No kidding. She knows a lot and that's why sometimes I love to chat with her to learn more about horoscope. Sorry that I've forgotten which day is it. Well... that day I'm actually working afternoon shift so get to see her and chatted with her about horoscope.
P: Nicole, you know which horoscope is compatible to Leo?
Nic: I don't really know. For what I know, it's Sagi and Aries. Aries is the best match?
P: Leo and Aries? Won't they fight? Both are so strong elements.
Nic: Yup. Not sure if it's true.
So a few days later, she actually copied down for me from her book! Super nice rite?

Leo compatible partners are: Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Libra and Sagi.
#2. Work with Joy on a Tues (if I'm not wrong). When I saw her entering the shop, I'm shocked! Cause we look so similar (our dressing). LOL! Thanks Connie for spotting the similarities :) Anyway Joy couldn't squat that day, cause the shirt dress is way too short and she's didn't even bothered to wear a pair of shorts inside.. Thank god, I wore shorts. If not we don't have to close shop already cause none of us would be able to sqaut down to get the metal bar out.

#3. Towards the end of our vacations, met up with the girls! It's just right the week before school reopens. Hmmm.. As I've got to work then, I met up with them only after my work. BEST OF ALL! It rained that day! It rained and my papillo was soaking wet then! Thanks! :(
#4. 11April2008
Brillant! I actually managed to carry out my plan! Hmmm.. AM I SMART OR WAT? Okay! That's enough, Nicole! Hmmm.. Actually it's supposed to be carried out on the 10th April but then it's kind of late. So no choice but to make it on the 11th April. It's a very very BUSY day! After my work, I rushed home then to Central to search of a water bottle! Can you believe that I actually took 1hr plus to walk around the whole Central in search of just a water bottle! Apparently I didn't managed to. Sad. No choice. I get sth else instead. There goes my meaning of "MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE" :(
However I still managed to shock Dar with my plan! LOL! I'm just so smart (or maybe he's slow.. most probably..) Thank goodness! I'm still able to remember how to walk over to his hse, poor sense of direction. Despite the fact that it's very tiring and rushing.. I'm happy cause I managed to shock him.. That's my main purpose! :)

PS: The best pic are those when he don't look at the camera. LOL!
#5. 13April2008.
Yay! I'm real excited when it comes to the topic to the ZOO! It has been a donkey years ever since I last went to the Zoo. Let the pictures tell you more (Obviously, I'm lazy to write)
PS: Actually there's a lot of pics.. But I'm lazy to upload all..

Somebody trying to lead the way...But does a better job than me (I've gt poor sense of direction)

See the crocodile! It's freaking big! Just as I tot it was a FAKE one.. IT ACTUALLY MOVES! Freak me out! Crap!
(Reason being... He's born in the year of the tiger.)

Kangaroos are CUTE! SO CUTE! :D

Alright. I'm not short but it's the tree that's too big. (Actually I am...)

Who's the taller one? He's short. I'm taller!

#6. 19April2008
Went to buy Rio's pressie with dar after my work. Hmmm.. Had a hard time deciding which one to get for him. We spend quite a while there, reading through each and every games to get the BEST one for him. LOL! As for the game, I think it should be interesting enough for him!
Then we went to get our NewUrbanMale top. We bought the JAPAN one (initially.. I tot of getting the JAPAN one and he shall get the CHINA one..LOL!) Okay! I'm EVIL! Cause it's really very very UGLY! Goodness! Actually ADIDAS also has got one VERY NICE jacket.. In RED and YELLOW! Very nice! It bears the word 中国 in Yellow at the front and the jacket is RED. Too bad! He don't want it. LOL!
PS: I should have made him wear and take a pic to show how nice it is. It's VERY NICE alright! Put on him.. Even nicer... Let's all imagine that!
(Ohman! I think I've got to learn how to repent if I carry on to be so evil.. Karma coming soon!)
#7. 20April2008
It's RIO Birthday. Hmmm.. End work late cause not enough ppl that day so gotta drag on and wait till the crowd has gone. Went town to scout for his new wallet. In the end, we're late for the dinner. Hmm... We're actually very very late... super late :(