Monday, March 31, 2008
10:44:00 PM
Alright. Here's a QUICK post cause Nicole is having a bad headache now...
Work with Joanna and we finally take some pics today! Before that, there's this china lady who came in when Joanna was about to mop the floor. And she started trying on and off the same top, can't decide which colour to take. Luckily she was Joanna's customer, if not I would be real pissed off this morning. Whatelse, oh yea, she even asked for further discount, claiming she know one of the our staffs. Watever... I can never stand customers like this, why don't you say you know my boss so we can give away the clothes FOC? Good idea rite!
Initially tot of going to the National Library to borrow a few books home for my leisure reading.. but I'm lazy to walk there... went for a run instead. Alright, I managed to run the whole park today! It's just so nice to run alone like this once in a while :)
Ohyea.. Helps to slim down too... Seriously I think I need to go on diet at the rate I'm eating now.. Kinda sad :(
Alright folks! Here's the pix..
didn't stand there and keep taking pics the whole day like nobody business...

Joanna & Nicole. Notice that we wore exactly the same colour code to work today! Haha.. Black short, cardigan, white top, thin belt and pumps.

FYI: She's also a leo! haha... We think alike :)

Alright. That's all for the day. Bad headache and tired. Yeah! Kinda happy.. Cause gonna meet up with my girls on THURS! MUCKS!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
8:39:00 AM
Thanks to IS Module Enrollment, I gotta force myself outta bed this morning :(
Forget it, once I'm awake, there's no way for me to get back to sleep again.
Alright. It's freaking complicated this time round.. Humph...
Called Sherry cause I'm afraid of making the wrong choice. So this is what I've chosen:
Location: BLK 56 #04-09
Time: 8:00AM - 10:00AM
Location: BLK 53 # 04-07
Time: 10:00AM - 12:00PM
Finally all done :) NICE one! So my Thurs would only be from 0800-1200. Even though, I gotta wake up very early cause lesson starts at 0800 :(
PS: Alright, nvm, Nicole would get used to it.
But... the classroom is like kinda far... Blk 56 gotta rush to Blk 53?
Well... Mommy commented upon seeing my coming sem timetable that there's no way I can work more regularly during the weekdays. Cause most of my classes end at 1700. There's a will, there's a way. Afterall I'm still considering if I should work during the weekdays when school reopens. Let's just see then :)
Academic Calendar for April 2008 Semester 1
Teaching Weeks 14 Apr 2008 - 08 Jun 2008 8 Weeks
Break 09 Jun 2008 - 22 Jun 2008 2 Weeks
Teaching Weeks 23 Jun 2008 - 10 Aug 2008 7 Weeks
Study & Examination Weeks 11 Aug 2008 - 24 Aug 2008 2 Weeks
Vacation 25 Aug 2008 - 12 Oct 2008 7 Weeks
Vacation marks the beginning of my IAP! No more studying then :)
PS: Marking papers and assessment book :)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
12:11:00 PM
Bad headache yesterday night :( Alright, bad headache just makes me feel so annoyed. I'm sure all of us do when we had a really bad heachache.. Well.. at least.. the pain subside after taking the panadol.
I've absolutely no idea what makes me wake up so early this morning. It's an OFF day afterall... and I should have rot in my bed till 12noon? Yup. Woke up at 7 plus and went for a run. The sit-up section wasn't occupied this morning too! Feel so FRESH... The breezing morning... everything's just so fresh and great :) LOVES!

Once again, I cleaned my room today. I know it's a very bad habit. But I just couldn't stand the idea of sitting down right now, be it blogging, reading or surfing... when the surrounding seems to be a bit messy.
Finally, I've drafted out my expenses for the coming month. It's kinda sad. With reborning, dermatology, dental.. Excluding my REAL SHOPPING LIST... All these is like going to cost my $500 bucks (estimation)
Can't be bothered anyway...
Anyway I've already reserved one dress from Joanna! LOVES!

I just like the idea that it's simple... so I can wear slipper with it :) Not too sloppy either. It's cheap.. She's selling for $18 bucks only when Bugis Street is selling for $32 bucks. Ohyea.. She takes stock from Thailand.. So can you imagine how much those people are earning in Bugis Street with high mark up prices... TSK!

My Current Book... PS: I LOVE YOU.
It's really very very nice.. Reading half-way through... Hmmm.. I missed the show when it was screened months ago.. So shall wait for the DVD to release then :)
Monday, March 24, 2008
9:13:00 PM
Finally an OFF day on Wed :) It's a very tiring day!
Initially I tot of going for a run but mom stopped me from going as it's going to rain.. After all, it didn't really sorta rain.. Wasted! I should have go ahead with the run :(
Anyway learnt something NEW these days about horoscope during my work. (Cause the radio would broadcast something about horoscope at times..)
Here's the SAT chapter, Which 3 horoscope signs are able to 'survive' from LDR (Long Distance Relationship). At times, couples got separated due to overseas work etc.
So which are the 3 horoscope signs that are able to take on LDR?
1. Cancer
2. Leo
3. Scorpio
Let's see...
#1. Cancer
Alright. It's no secret that Cancer are romantic creatures of all the signs which goes to say they are very sentimental people. Cancer are able to handle LDR as they are very sentimental and loyal hence they are not the ones who changed their feelings very quickly in face with LDR. For they love their loved ones more than anyone else hence even if they are separated far apart, their hearts would remain unchanged.
#2. Leo
Leo are very confident creatures. They are rather dominating hence had very strong views. So in face with LDR, they are very confident that no matter how far they are separated from their loved ones, they would still be bonded together if both parties really loved each other. Leo are very confident that things can be worked out even in face with LDR where both parties get separated far apart. (which means in their point of view, time and distance are not the major factors).
#3. Scorpio
Scorpio are very stubborn creatures at times. However, in view of LDR, their stubbornness actually gave them the strength to persevere on despite the 'suffering' of being separated far apart from their loved ones. They too believe that if both parties really loved each other, they would be able to stay bonded together.
Thus, all these 3 horoscope are the ones that tend to be able to 'survive' in a LDR.
To a certain extend, I believed that it is kinda freaking true for Leo. I feel that if both parties really like each other, then time and distance is not really important, just like what Joanna said, things can always be worked out together.
So it's kinda rubbish when there are actually people out there who loves to use such reason as an excuse. Can't be bothered.
Anyway.. Super suey again! I hate it why when bad things happen, it happens in a CHAIN! Bought new ear studs that day (dun ask me which day as I couldn't remb) and then...
FIRST, the star shape one accidentally dropped into the sink. WELL DONE! So I'm left with one, instead of a pair.
NEXT, just this morning, I accidentally dropped the other leafy one. WELL DONE! I dun noe where I dropped it. So once again.. I'm left with one instead of a pair :(
Connie actually took this pic without me realising it.. I still tot she's smsing then.. Awww~ Feel so WOLS. Thanks Connie for sending it to me :)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
9:18:00 PM
Morning shift today! (Initially it was to be a FULL shift.. Luckily Joy came today.. Healthy and without the smell of medical oil..)
It's really very hilarious ytd and I shan't mention again. As long as she smell free of medical oil then that should be fine :)
Worked with Joanna today! Needless to say it's a happy working day. Thanks to her for threatening me about having a hole in my tummy! Anyway THANKS GAL! I know its your kind intention :)
One major discovery with Joanna!
Leo would never want to take any steps further unless they are very certain of the matter. At least we think alike... Cause we are Leos!
PS: It's possible for Leos out there who might not be like this.
It's freaking true.. I hate uncertainty. Even though KPT did mentioned before about.. the numerous uncertainties in life that we have to get prepared for. Still I knew myself very well that I hate uncertainties in life. In which I hate to force myself to take any steps further when I'm not given a 101% certainty. I would either faced it and forced myself to take one more step or I would just dump the whole matter aside when I've enough of all the uncertainties.
Finally a PERFECT day! I decided to get back to my run. I really enjoyed the moments where I could spend time with myself. Today is the day! Went for a run after my work. Well.. Initially I tot of leaving my phone and everything aside. Just ME and MYSELF <3
PS: But Mom insist that I've to bring my phone along :(

Initially it was really about to rain.. So I tot... At most.. I run in the rain and get sick the next day :)
My lesson learnt today!
Never wear disposable hair band for run.
I'm not sure if the rubber band is like too weak or wat? Just as I've decided to run back home from the park, the rubber band just split off like that! Thanks!
PS: I didn't bring out an additional one! So I decided to walked home instead cause I think it's very weird to run around with long hair untied.

See the stains! It's still THERE! Sighhh... Ever since my S&W in Year 1... The blue stains are still there! Cause the colour of the school track is BLUE.

Finally the SUN SET! I just love the sun rise and the sun set cause it marks the beginning and the ending of each day.

Home Sweet Home. Ohyea! Before that! I saw this insane man that freak me out totally! Thank god! Just as I was pondering if I should just walked pass that block or take the long way, that insane man disappeared off.
Well.. I found the last chocolate flavor! It's really disgusting. But still I ate it. Has anyone seen
火垂るの墓?Eng: Grave of the Fireflies
It's a very very very nice anime! Gosh! I found this can of sweets from Bugis Junction Basement 1. There's this store that sells a lot of Jap candies. Loves! Loves! Loves!

NO MORE! I've finished it today :(
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
11:51:00 PM
11:10:00 PM

I never knew I would love dancing so much. It was never my cup of tea. In my pri, I never understand why those girls like to dance so much.. All I envy about was their beautiful costumes even though I dun really like about their thick makeup.
It's strange that somebody like me would ended up in dance. I hesitated then whether to join Girl Guide or Dance. Still.. I chose Dance for the sake of their costumes. Okay. Go ahead and think I'm nutz.
Anyway it wasn't easy in the beginning. For I've no dance foundationat all. So it's all about training hard to be one of the best. Afterall, I managed to and was happy with it.
"I missed the days when we all dance together on Friday :) I missed my ballet shoes too! I can still remember my first ballet shoes was bought in Hong Kong! - Nicole"
12:18:00 PM
Finally...OFF day today.
Timetabling selection today too. BFS0606 is really damn hot! Initially that's what we decided on but on a second thought, since it's so popular among the BFS cohort, chances of getting in is really very low. So we decided to get into BF0604... for some reasons... initially I dun wan to... Anyway there's no harm trying... But I think it's also very popular that's why places are taken up within a spilt second. Hence
BFS0602.Actually on a second look, BFS0602 isn't that bad. After all, we can all be together and spend the our very last semester in Poly together. Project group wouldn't be spilt up at all. All smile*
Met up with Melody after my work yesterday.
And NICHOLAS! He's super cute and sweet!!!
Full of praises for him! So cute... Haha~ I like the way he called me "Nicole jie jie"... so
SWEET rite.. So fortunate of Melody to have such a sweet bro.
Nicholas actually knows how to sing SHE song. Dun think he's just mumbling to the rhythm... Nic actually knows the lyrics very well... Seriously, I'm amazed. It's fun to play with Nic. He's really very cute!! Enough of the praises.. haha..
Nicholas and Nicole. Hmm.. We are from the same NIC family.. haha..
The girl's name Nicole \n(i)-co-le\ is pronounced ni-KOHL. It is of Greek origin, and its meaning is "victorious people". French feminine form of Nicholas. During the Middle Ages names that appear feminine today, like Nicolet and Nicol, were actually male names. Nicola is the Italian form; Nicolette is popular in France.
I love sem hols. It's like a long break and I dun really have to worry about any projects, tutorials etc etc.. Cause everything has ended! So what if it's holidays.. had been working and working... I think I'm not going to be able take it sooner or later but still I knew that I have to do it. Watever.. I know myself too well... This is my character.
Last sem was rather different cause I had my ITP (Industrial Training Programme). Comparing with the current hols, it's more tiring. I can still remember how tiring it can be for me to work Mon to Fri in OCBC and then Sat and Sun in DETAILS. Come to think about it, it's a WELL DONE! I managed to survive afterall! It's my achievement afterall! :)
My very last sem is coming soon (But I dun noe when school start.. Clueless????) I hope I'm able to cope well with it. After all, it's my last sem. I dun wan to 'waste' it. After that, I would then have to move on for my IAP (Industrial Attachment Programme).
Well.. I never regret choosing IAP... For I've already know what I wanted. (If you regret making a choice den don't bother to make a choice in the first place! I hate it!)
Honestly speaking, I don't know if I would have the interest to carry on studying in a uni. But then to be realistic, I knew I have to do that as it's still a paper chase society afterall.
Anyway... after choosing my timetable, my main concern would be my working schedule. I've absolutely no idea if I should work Sat and Sun (as usual) or even on the weekdays. Would I be able to take it if I'm working on the weekdays too? Sigh.. This is irritating. I hate to think about it. Watever it is, I knew I can't escape from Sat and Sun :(
It's harmless to plan ahead, so I'm already thinking about my IAP also. Is it going to be Mon-Fri: IAP. Sat and Sun: DETAILS. If I really do it, then I can really say it's a WELL DONE once again. LOL. Time flies very quickly, I knew I have to face this one day. Sigh... This is also very irritating. I hate to think about it. As I've discussed with Nancy, maybe I'll work Mon-Fri for my IAP and den work FULL shift on SAT. It's super duper sad for me alright. But.... IF I work more den I can shop more! Ohyes! This is it! I should think of it this way! LOVES!
I wonder.... No life :(
Sunday, March 16, 2008
10:29:00 PM
Sometimes why I love to stay at home is... I can enjoy life as much as I love to do!
Alright. Here's one recent discovery...
I'm a EARTH DRAGON. (Born 1988)
Brief Description
Dragons are witty, enthusiastic, popular, intelligent and gifted yet are also perfectionists.
Positive Traits
vibrant, magnanimous, charismatic, principled, self-sufficient, discriminating, compelling, sentimental, accomplished, noble-hearted, healthy and prodigiously shrewd
Negative Traits
bombastic, dissatisfied, ruthless, demanding, opinionated, mawkish, egocentric, defensive, power-mad, foolhardy, willful and pompous
Description of all dragons
The key to the Dragon personality is that Dragons are the free spirits of the Zodiac. Conformation is a Dragon's curse. Rules and regulations are made for other people. Restrictions blow out the creative spark that is ready to flame into life. Dragons must be free and uninhibited. The Dragon is a beautiful creature, colorful and flamboyant. An extroverted bundle of energy, gifted and utterly irrepressible, everything Dragons do is on a grand scale - big ideas, ornate gestures, extreme ambitions. However, this behavior is natural and isn't meant for show. Because they are confident, fearless in the face of challenge, they are almost inevitably successful. Dragons usually make it to the top. However, Dragon people be aware of their natures. Too much enthusiasm can leave them tired and unfulfilled. Even though they are willing to aid when necessary, their pride can often impede them from accepting the same kind of help from others. Dragons' generous personalities give them the ability to attract friends, but they can be rather solitary people at heart. A Dragon's self-sufficiency can mean that he or she has no need for close bonds with other people.
The Dragon Lover
People love Dragons so much because they are generous, charismatic, irresistible, and so brave that standing beside them banishes fear. They generate excitement and turn heads anywhere they go. They are free-spirited and impulsive and can help others achieve their dreams. Others love to be around Dragons because they have a way of making people feel better. Dragons are quick to fall in love, but do not surrender their independence easily leaving most of them to live life by themselves. Yet, an smart, witty, and funny companion may intrigue the Dragon long enough to make him want to get married. And once the Dragon becomes committed, he is unlikely to ever leave.
PS: If Nicole would to say she dun believe in all these.. It's BULLSHIT! Not really to the extend that I dun believe but maybe 50/50 will do.
Wanna know more about your own Chinese Horo... den go to...
8:59:00 PM
Woahx. I realised I've been blogging continuously for the past few days. Well... You may think that I'm really that free that I've got nothing to do but to blog.
Had been very tired lately. I know I would be starting off the whole entry complaining about my work again. Alright. I'll stopped doing that for once. Maybe... How about a very short para? Hate to work morning cause it's too quiet, sales can be really that bad... I wonder how... Hate to work afternoon cause it's a waste of my time. Spend the rest of the morning at home doing nth... well.. I can't meet you guys up as my work starts at 1600... How many hrs of fun before work. 2? 3? Meaningless..
Don't work? Can't... I would be too bored staying at home and... there goes my shopping list.
GOOD NEWS! Managed to get an OFF day on TUES! LOVES! Cause there's timetabling selection on that day... so might as well get an OFF day. I'm too tired to keep working. No life.
"Woman are hard to please."I agreed strongly even though I fall into this category. Haha~ Den why please them in the first place!? Maybe if I'm a guy... (maybe my next life?) I dun noe... I wonder how they managed to survive from pleasing girls? Well... I would never know the answers as I'm not a guy in the first place!
Here's my observation during my work about the pathetic life of being a guy.
When you are young, you ended up standing outside the shop, waiting for your mummy to get done with her shopping.
When you are a youngster, you ended up standing outside the shop, waiting for your girlfriends to get done with their shopping.
When you are married, you ended up standing outside the shop, waiting for your wife to get done with her shopping.
Hmm... Sound interesting rite.. Alright.. Maybe I'm a girl, so I think it's interesting.. or rather funny.. But if I'm a guy, I would think it's not funny at all. It only reflect how badly their fate is.
So I was telling Nancy about the solution.
One solution: Shopped together so there would be no waiting.
(Would I get employed for being a counsellor in this?) ROFL.
Went to see the doctor today. Really cannot stand the pain anymore. Well... If I dun eat regularly, the consequences would only get more and more serious. I'm afraid. So I think I should just eat well now. Thanks to mom, she has actually forgotten that I can't take in those yellow noodles when I'm seriously down with a gastric pain. Sigh. I can't tell her that I don't want to eat what she has bought. ONE major factor contributing to my gastric problem lately.
PS: Mommy has been buying that for breakfast for the past few days -.-"
Thursday, March 13, 2008
11:28:00 PM
Happy working day with Joanna. At least the sales this morning isn't so bad. Phew~ STRESSED! JOY is late for work today and by the time Nancy came, she has yet to reach.
Met up with Gloria today for dinner. Thanks girl!
I can say this is the first proper dinner that I've just had ever since the holidays begin. Had been so busy lately...
Salmon Skin. It's too hard for consumption. Gloria requested for a change but still... it's still rather the same.. Anw.. We didn't finished it at all..
Working with Nancy tml in the Afternoon. Well... At least, I can sleep more... Very tiring...
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
12:20:00 PM
卓文萱 - SUPER NO.1
I think she sings very well. Happy song... Happy day for me! :)
10:46:00 AM
Feel so dead this morning. I wonder if I can get to work later.. I'm praying hard that I can... It's this stupid feeling of vomitting but there's nothing coming out. (Alright, peeps, dun read too much about it.. it's just gastric prob alright.)
Dad came back from work this morning. I dread to hear that. That's one of the reason why I rather spend all my time at work all these while. A Full day may be tiring but I rather do that than staying at home to face him. It's not about how much I dislike my family, or rather, I love them. It's not about how much I dislike my dad, or rather, I love him too. Disappointment doesn't get me to love him even more.
Well, I dun really wan to touch on the very sensitive topic. But rather, I love my daddy for being a nice daddy all these while. I love him when I'm a small little girl (Cause I'm living in my own world then, anything that has been happening is none of my business..) BUT!
I HATE HIM for what he did that makes him seems like an irresponsible man. If I would him, I often think I would rather put in more effort in making this family happier.
Maybe 'HATE' is a very strong word to use, alright I dislike him for that.
He's normal.. nothing wrong just that he loves to drink. And it's a LOT! He don't care if he would be hospitalised again for this or if he wouldn't be able to get to work tomorrow.
Everyone knows his bad habit...
I can't stand it! I used to think as long as we 'helped' him to finish up every single can or bottle of his drink, he would be left with nothing to drink. But den I realised he would go out and have it himself and get drunk back, of course. I dislike the way my relatives commented on the fine genes that we got from him, for being able to drink.
THANKS TO YOU PEOPLE! I RATHER DONATE THEM TO YOU IF YOU WANTED IT SO MUCH! IT'S NOT FUNNY! IT'S NOT A MATTER WHICH YOU CAN JOKE ABOUT!I know he do control himself when he drinks nowadays but I'm very disappointed to see that each time. He drinks and smoke at the same time. I think he's trying to shorten his life by doing this. Well, I think I would just mention this much. It's too sensitive. Anyway I guess you wouldn't be able to understand this. Maybe.. You think it's funny.. Watever it is.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
7:22:00 PM
CAUTION: CHOOSE NOT TO READ!*It's a long and boring post*#1. Happy working day with Joanna. I'm amazed that she's a Leo too! Wow! Anyway... when two Leos get together, it's a great deal of fun! Alright! It's freaking true. Feel so comfortable with her. Chatted a lot today. Girls can always chat about everything under the sun. To me, I think it's just so true about how similar the way we think. As we chatted... ... this is what I'm gonna write about...
Well.. I edited as some dun understand. Simple said, I dun like ppl who harp on a single thing and I dun like to live up to somebody expectation.#2. I HATE YOU! Why do I get bumped into you again today!? I hate to see you! I had enough of that in school! Why do I have to bump into you even if it's outside the school! I wished that I would never had known you. I'm hate that look that you gave me everytime, dun bother to come to talk to me for I WOULD NEVER WANT TO TALK TO YOU AGAIN EVER SINCE THEN!
I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!
I'm reminded of him every single time I bumped into him. I hate him! I HATE YOU TO THE CORE! I hate the idea that you treated me as someone else. I hate the idea that I have to be that someone else. I'm not a substitue! If you can't forget her then don't hurt me! I don't want to step into this stupid crap again! I don't want to get into this again! I don't want to get hurt ever and ever again... I had enough.
For what you did, it only leave me with a scar that I wouldn't dare to step into this again...
"It is almost been two years, I have yet to forget this. (I know I should) I hate you! I really do! I hate that you have hurt me! Thanks to you! I would never want to get involved in this again! -Nicole"
#3. Pissed off with the weather. It has been raining NON STOP! Even though I liked it but it's rather troublesome at times to actually bring a brolly out. Especially when I dun feel like to! It's so troublesome...
Thanks to the rain... I'm sick. Thank god, I'm working afternoon tomorrow. Hadn't been able to eat well lately too, wonder if I've skipped my meals too often lately... I guess I've to stock up my gastric pills. I hate it when granny and mom keeps pushing me the food, I said a million times that I dun feel like eating. And the smell of watever food just makes me feeling like vomitting. Joanna thinks it's the gastric acid prob... Maybe.
#4. How can I ever stop shopping? Ohyea, reminds me of a shopping date with Gloria. As for today, I'M REALLY VERY SAD! After work, Joanna accompanied me to GUESS to scout for a wallet. I saw this really really very very nice one... I should have get it... anyway... Cause it's the last piece, no other outlets have it anymore.. worst! It's slightly damaged. So I didn't bought it. In fact, I bought the other one, it's black. Different design. It's bigger. Anyway on a second look, it's actually not bad... Just that I'm not used to having a BLACK wallet.
Alright... I've ended this with a happy ending. Hopefully I wouldn't have to see that jerk again! I know I would be blessed. For I've always been a good girl :)
Sunday, March 09, 2008
10:01:00 PM
Finally got my PSP today! I'm a happy girl!
OFF day granted tomorrow! I'm a happy girl!
What can I do at home tml!? Sighhh.. Rot? I think I would have rot at home the whole day.. even if I die, no one who ever knows!? Jie Ying (my sister) would be starting her attachment tomorrow. Now! There's no one for me to disturb... Okay.. I'm bad.. :(
Well... I think I should just play PSP the whole day until I'm bored with the game.... Sad to say.. It's tough.. It's always GAME OVER GAME OVER...
Shopping!? But.. There's nth I need to buy.. Ohwells... Nicole should just rot at home tml.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
9:43:00 PM
Even though I hate taking the crowded and packed train (when I'm going to work or going home from work), I always think it's the best time when no one is there to interrupt me when I'm in deep thoughts. Normally it would be so packed that I couldn't even held a book to read, so I might jolly well give up the idea of reading.
Just like this morning.
I'm SPEECHLESS! There's two fat aunties standing besides me. (one on the left, one on the right) Both refused to give way at all. Sigh.. And I'm caught in the centre :( Worst still, there are ppl going out, and both of them just refused to give way (perharps they are glued there or sth???) Poor ppl, gotta squeezed passed them to get out and it just kept knocking onto me. I wanted to tell them to move in or sth, but I dun noe how to... So just let them be glued there until CityHall. What's wrong with these ppl? Okay. I'm very pissed off at that moment but it's quitet funny when I think of these aunties now. ROFL.
Oh yea. Was taking bus on my way home today, saw this pathetic old lady who just boared the bus, and she's carrying lotsa stuff. No one just seems to care to give her a seat :( Too bad, I'm standing too...
8:53:00 PM
It's a happy working day with Nancy! Thank god, I only have to work morning today. It's really very tiring that I fall asleep immediately on the bed. So many things left unaccomplished:(
Sorry to my dear cousin, suppose to help her with her E-Commerce assignment, but my brain isn't functioning well so ended up giving her a 2 para review. Sorry to Nancy, suppose to help her with her E-Commerce webbie, but too tired to do all that.
Ohwell, Why am I always tied to E-Commerce!? Anyway it's always a great feeling to be able to help them out :)
Nearly late today... Woke up late... So ended up with a sloppy outfit for work today. Sigh..

Introducing Nancy! MUCKS! Love her! She's really very nice. Here, reminds me for the unaccomplished task - Help her with her
webbie design.
UpNext! (Connie, I know you had been waiting for this!) Joy's mini letter to her idol. Full of spelling, grammar, sentence structure mistake.. FYI: Marking done by Connie.

Alright. I dun understand why girls like 吴尊so much. Some can even be as crazy as Joy to travel to KL, just to see him. Yea. The little girl in my
hse too. She likes him so much that she cut all my magazine (those with his pic).. and so I'm left with a pile of messy magazine. FYI: She's only
Pri 2. I dun really
remb myself doing any of these thing when I'm in
Pri2. Alright.
Deprived Childhood.

Went to eat Fish Soup Noodle with Connie after work. Very nice. First intro by Sherry. Just beside Bugis Junction. I love to eat this. It's way better than the Food Junction.
Friday, March 07, 2008
8:18:00 AM
I gotta re-write the whole of this post now... Cause it wasn't saved yesterday (doubt me... I have no idea why...) Anyway where was I yesterday (doubt me... I have forgotten...) Sigh...
Gotta work without OFF day. (Am I suppose to clap and say it's fine as I get used to it or I've already guess what would be the arrangement?) Thanks to Joy. *All smile~*
Here the conversation that made me mad yesterday...
Nic: Yesterday(Wed) you took an OFF day so what you did? Joy: Oh yea lohz. I took OFF yesterday... sighh... (sound very depressed)Nic: So what you did yesterday? (This is Joy, she never hit the topic at all, always wandered off and tell you stuff that is totally not relating to your topic)Joy: Oh.. Sleep at home lohz.Nic: (I didn't want to talk to her anymore, pissed, walked off)Hello!? YOU TOOK OFF TO SLEEP! AND here I am, working for almost 2 Weeks and have yet to be given a SINGLE OFF DAY! Okay. I think I have complained way too much about work lately. Sob sob sob.. When can I have an off day? I really gotta beg Joy not to anyhow take OFF.
Conversation continued...
Tml = Today (070308)
(Curiosity strike me... Wonder why is my fate so today...)
Nic: Then why you took OFF tml? Joy: Go buy B'dae cake for my dad. His birthday on Sat... Wonder if she would let me work Morning so I can go celebrate his b'dae.Nic: Go buy B'dae cake? His b'dae on Sat? Won't the cake turned bad?Joy: Ohh.. No lahz. I mean go order first.Nic: So you gonna request working Sat Morning?Joy: Yea.... Ae!? You work morning also rite!?I think I should do more praying... BLESS ME.. Super
suay lately.
(Karma? Did I did something wrong???
Pls dun punish me in this way... It's too cruel...)
So she's ordering cake the whole day... Senseless... You can order before coming to work rite? Plenty of time from Morning till Afternoon for you to choose the flavour blah blah blah until you are fully satisfied. Why OFF again..
" I don't really believe that everyone would be nice to you when you are nice to them anymore. For what you have done, I'm disappointed. "Another part of me still insist on believing that ppl would be nice to you if you are nice to them. I'm caught in a dilemma. UPDATED (12:44am - 080308) But today. Nancy had been very nice to me. Love her! :) Thanks for being nice to me! At least, it doesn't make me feel silly to have that "logic". Cause when you are nice to ppl. They would be nice to you!
Monday, March 03, 2008
12:38:00 PM
I'm utterly embarrassed this morning! Gosh! I think I've worked too much lately! "GOOD" NEWS! I didn't have any OFF DAY yet!
Anyway... The kids' mom called this morning when I'm helping my mom to mop the floor...
GUESS WHAT!When I picked up the phone, the first thing I said was
My sis tot it might be her call, so she was standing right next to me... and she heard that... ohwell.. so she laugh and laugh non-stop.. It was then I realised I'm not supposed to say that (I'm not at work afterall!) Sighh.. Auntie was shocked, she thought she had dailed the wrong numbers, calling some shop!? Sighh..
Tsk! This is what it would happened if you worked too much. Sighhh... I dun think I dare to face auntie today... So embarrassing!!!
Know why? Cause I usually greet customers like this in shop.... Tsk TSK TSK!!!
Thank god! I dun have to work with JOY today!
Saturday, March 01, 2008
8:11:00 PM
It's just my luck today;) Well... Even though, I got to work with JOY this morning. Okay. It's quite interesting to work with her, cause of her extreme weird behavior (and that I got shocked several times by her). Afterall, she still took away my customers (which is what I expected)...
Well. As for today... First, I saw Mrs. Ng Mun Kit today. (Macroeconomic lecturer) I thought she wouldn't be coming in to my shop but in the end, she did. Next, I saw Mrs. Penny Thong (Credit Management Tutor) too! After Mrs. Ng. So I was wondering if they have meet up for shopping? Haha~ But Mrs Thong didn't came in.
Pay Day tml! But I could already foresee the numerous expenses that I would be incurring. Sighh... I wonder when is my OFF day. Super tired. Had been working non-stop without an OFF day to relax my mind and body. Even though I keep saying I wanted to slim down but I think it's impossible now. Okie. That's all for today. Thank god, JOY is off tml but she claim that she wanted to work Morning on Monday!!!