Monday, December 24, 2007
3:05:00 PM
Today is a busy day! Had a shopping spree an hour after I woke up with mum and the kids. One thing I've got to learn from my mum would be.... How to manage your money well... She's an expert (Of course, that goes without saying, housewives are all expert in this area alright.) Anyway we went United Square (Alright, the trip today is just to shop for the kids CNY clothings) How fortunate hur? So nice to have someone to pay for all the lovely clothings and you just take and take... hmmm...
Especially FOXKIDS! Those SMALL little clothes are all so CUTE!!! (Of course, I know it's for kids that's why it's small..)
Anyway it's very tedious! Even more tedious as compared to working. Handling 3 kids is like??? GOSH! I'm so angry that I can't do anything to stop them!!! How can you just sleep like dat on the chair while trying the shoes??? How can you just play and shout in a public place??? It's like so chaotic. I can't imagine what would to happen if I would to have my own kids in the future. I think I would just lock them in a cage and shop myself. LOL!
His SEAN. The eldest. He's okay if you praise him that he has been behaving well.. But he just like to sit and lie down at every stop! Even when we are just browsing, he would be sitting at a corner and blocking the way of the others. BUT he's very smart :)
Yes! SHE the youngest! SARAH! Very naughty and very noisy! So all you've got to do is to cover her mouth... LOL!小情歌by SodaGreen
当我听到这首歌, 我就很喜欢很喜欢它。听得出唱者是个男生吗?一开始,我还以SHE'S A GAL! 哈哈! 不过很好听哦!
昨天看了恶作剧2吻!真的是很好很好看!太喜欢了!天啊!VCD何时才会推出来呢!看得我好躁急!最好呢,能越快越好!还有啊!它的原声带!真希望我能遇到像江直树那样好的人!不过能,不是我多话,而是能我觉得啊,新加坡没有这类型的人啦。看一看街边的人就知道啦!并非是我在戴有色眼镜看人而是事实就是如此! 我可没一棒打死全船人!说我傻也好,笨也罢了,我可觉得台湾人啊比较好。哈哈哈!要不然, 香港人吧!真的是有够撤的。
12:28:00 AM
Wow! Now it's 12:30 and I just came back from work :)
Well, as usual, I've been working these days. Quite busy but it's quite enjoyable. I guess I've dumped my undone tutorials aside for days!! :P
Wellwellwell....On the day, 25DEC07, I would remember nothing special that would happen except working FULL shift on that day. Well, it's good, which means earning more hence spending power increase. However, it's kinda sad, what a festive day I would be having :) Anyway Thank god that I'm OFF tml, that's the reason why you can see me blogging now.
Erhmm.. Think abt it, hmmm... I think my schedule is the same each day. Wake up, play for 3hrs den go for work. Came home, bathe and sleep. NO LIFE.
Sometimes I do think abt it, if I would to say "No life" NOW... What abt the day when I entered the society and started working. Think abt the days when there's no studying but working. Needless to mention that work pressure would exist in my everyday life. Awww... That's why I finally understand why people who are really working would often wish that they can return back to the schooling days. Cause those are the days when you don't have to worry much except studying and being able to promote to the next level.
Okie dokie, I'm very tired now. Had been working real hard these days as there are lotsa shoppers out there shopping for presents or new year clothes. (Hey! I'm not kidding! I'm actually shocked when some of my customers told me they are buying for Chinese New Year!) Cause they are busy people who doesn't have much time to shop when CNY nears. For some, they are afraid that that particular design may just sold out.
So... Yes... I've been watching Taiwan Online TV these days, woahx... there's advertisement is like longer that ours! (SO I should just stop complaining about the lengthy commercial that we had cause Taiwan ones are even more lengthy!) I guess that's due to the numerous brands and products that they carries :) Comparing to ours... Smaller population, lesser brands for a particular category.
Here's one! HOW COME SINGAPORE DON'T HAVE!!!!!!!! I WANT TO TRY! Cuz I love tarts!

Seems like it's super nice... Cuz I like muai chee also... So it's a combination of tarts with muai chee inside. With 2 layers, with honey sugar inside also. So when you bite it's like a combination of the tarts, muai chee and the liquid like honey sugar. GOSH! I better skip the advertisement! 
Friday, December 21, 2007
1:04:00 PM
I'm lazy to blog :(I wonder why there's so many entries posted by me in the past. I think it's all rubbish and crap :P LOL!Alright a QUICK update!
Monday (17Dec07)Went to meet Liling and Melody before going for work. Yea, I called it our "Christmas Lunch". Cause I would be working non-stop for the rest of the week so Monday is the only day I would probably be able to meet them :) We went to meet Liling @ AMK HUB and had our lunch at Ichiban Sushi. UP NEXT!
GIFT EXCHANGE session! LOL! Thank gals for the bag :)
So happy! Finally it out! It's OUT! 恶作剧2吻!
The first episode was shown in Taiwan last Sunday! Awww~ It's so sweet so nice! I watched 3 times! haha~ Waiting for the 2nd episode. Anyway the waiting is just so unbearable. I think I would just immediately buy the VCD once it's out. Anyway for the SPECIAL scene it would be shown this Sat on 八大!
Oh yea. I watched 恶作剧之吻again! haha! Finally finished the whole box :)
Saturday, December 08, 2007
9:53:00 PM
Firstly, COMMON TESTS finally over! (Yea, I mentioned the word 'finally'...) It has always marked a very important point for me each sem :) Well, depends on how you are going to interpret this. Ohwells, simply because, it means that common tests were over and here comes the pathetic 2 weeks hols and den welcome the arrival of the examination in a few mths time. Yes, and you can look back, wave and say good-bye to another yr in poly :)Seriously, I think that times really passed very fast in Poly. It's like you are still in your holiday mood and school reopens, just before you get over and are ready for studies, here comes the common test. And den, when you get to rest for 2 weeks, you would sense the arrival of your exam. When you look back, it's just another year in poly. Thank god. I've only 3 tests for my CTs and I'm complaining so much. (Alright, I should just shut up and stop complaining so much) I guessed the person who should be complaining are those with 6 to 7 papers in a week. Poor sis, she has got 7 papers this week and she has managed to survive after all these days of 'sufferings'. For me, I shan't comment much on how well I did or how badly I've done for my common tests for I know... I've studied and I've give my very best, can do well or not, I shall leave it to fate even though I know that we are the one controlling what's going to happen in our life and not just blindly follow what lies in our 'FATE'._ _ _ _ _ _So exciting! I sat on a cute mini cooper to school today :) All smiles. Thanks to Sherry! She picked me up and drove me to school. After the last paper, we sat on the cute mini to KAP for lunch before going to Dempsey for our Ben and Jerry ice-cream. Well, after searching throught the Streets Directory, we're still unable to find the way there so we decided to go somewhere else instead. Initially it was Serene Centre and we changed it to Town and den to Mt Faber (but den there's no parking lot) so we went Vivo instead. Cute car. Sweet gal. What else? _ _ _ _ _ _ Okay. It's going to be the longest post I've ever posted in my life. (No choice, I haven't been blogging much and it's tough to find some day like today where I'm in such a good mood to crap so much.) Anyway it's terrible for the past few days, as I've terrible headache and gastric, I've been so moody in school :( Thank god. I'm recovering :)Labels: My Life
Thursday, December 06, 2007
7:12:00 PM
Thank god. There's no school today :)Glad that I managed to finished Lecture 2 of CM today and I'm very happy with it! ;) However, it's really bad... I've been having this bad headache recently and it's killing me whenever it strike. I hate it. I really do. And it juz went on and on today.. :(Someone say it, Out from the mouth.
Jokes and entertainment it may be.
I heard it accidentally. It's sad.
Someone say it. Out from the mouth.
Jokes it may be. Laughters everywhere.
I heard it accidentally. It's funny.
Someone say it. I hate it.
Forgive and Forget.
Have you ever read it?
Monday, December 03, 2007
7:43:00 PM
While waiting for my printer to finish printing the notes for the week... Let me just blog for a little...Stress just adds on and on... I could hardly think of the word "F.U.N"... Sighh.. That's quite sad... :( Lotsa tutorials left undone on my desk, and common tests are coming... HELLO! The first paper is juz this SAT at 0830! GOSH! It's like a beautiful Sat MORNING!? I'm so lost... No idea where to start off? Which one? OHMY! GOD! PLS HELP ME!!!
Anyway it's a SUPER BAD DAY FOR NICOLE today!
Starting off the day with gastric pain (it's getting on my nerves...) After lecture, on the way to submit our project... Saw that somebody... Pissed off (as usual) I really doubt my existence!? Am I invisible? Anyway... No CM tutorial (Finally a HOORAY from me!) Went for BLAW tutorial... Saw MY ENEMY NO.1... He walked past both Bernice and I... and he actually saw "Hi!" which obviously is meant for Bernice. Anyway I can't be bothered. Bernice told me sth that makes me think it's funny and at the same time pissed me off.
MY ENEMY NO.1 being the very super UNFRIENDLY guy actually say that he showed my black face (Background info... He can smile and talk to the 3 friends of mine but showed me black face each time.) Alright back to what I'm saying.. Yea.. He showed black face cuz he told them I showed him black face all the time. HELLO! HE'S THE ONE lo..
Alright.. I dun deny I do showed him black face all the time.. Cuz I think he did so I did that too.. :P