Thursday, November 29, 2007
2:29:00 PM
Ohrite! Inspiration from Charles and Keith Dec Display Window... In which you would see this sweet and lovely LETTER TO SANTA. Here's one from me too!
Dear Santa,
I would like to have:
A set of THE BODY SHOP aroma therapy.
A COACH wallet
A Lacoste Bag
A trip of Hong Kong
PS: I dun mind that you give me abundant of cash so I can buy whatever I want. (Wink*)
My apologies for not updating recently... One very very very good reason... I've got no time for blogging.
Here's some update!
Had FP lecture today! Hooray! No FP tutorial! However, I still ended up getting home at 1600 cause gotta tend stall till 1300plus den return goods to the supplier. The supplier actually wanted us to be back tml morning to collect our commission. Sianz.. :(
Anyway went to LACOSTE with Sam today on our way home! Gosh! I saw this bag that I really like! But den it's like... erhmm.. if I wud to buy... den I can really forgo the rest of my stuff.. Considering... It really caught my eyes! (I like it simple!)
There's no class for the day! No lecture. No tutorial. However, I've spent 6 hours plus in school. Slacking and loitering around, doing nothing (actually not really doing nothing.. tending the stall)
It's my I&E -Entrepreneur Project! And we are setting up this little pushcart at the Convention Centre!
Initially I thought that no one would wants to buy Hello Kitty stuff cause it's like POLYTECHNIC?
However, to my surprise, there's actually quite a bit of people who loves Hello Kitty! A BIG THANK YOU TO MY CLASSMATE WHO SHOWED THEIR SUPPORT!!Thanks to that Taekwando gal! She our BIG customer who bought $30 over bucks of Hello Kitty products! WOAH!
Didn't notice she practice Taekwando until Yiye told me! Gosh! But she has got this feminine look :) Isn't that so WOAHX! A sweet looking gal who practice Taekwando? Looks like guys better beware of girls these days! Dun ever think that sweet and innocent looking girls are those who are soft and need you "protection".. (I dun think it's really PROTECTION? To some extend, it's juz a fake act.)
We went IKEA last last Sat to eat... haha! (Come on , It's like such an old post...Opps!)
So amazing! We are all wearing pumps!
And... Yea.. Went to celebrate Sherry's Bdae last Fri! Chill at Meritus Mandarin! Nice view.. even though it's not as nice as @ Equinox! 
(I juz love to try out this @ different places to see which one is better.. So far.. NONE)
Check out the height of the glass. It's pretty tall @ $30. Quite worth it. It's like 2 glasses of drinks.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
12:21:00 AM
It's a "PACKED" week!
16 Nov 2007 (Thursday)
Well, I didn't attend EC lecture today as lesson ends at 1100 and EC lecture starts only at 1500! So I skipped this lecture. Went Mel's hse and meet up 'A' in Marina Sq. So sweet of 'A' to buy us DONUTS! :) It's really so fun, singing in K BOX, crapping and enjoying the DONUTS!

THE NEW YORK POST! (haha~ We went to eat NEW YORK! NEW YORK! after K.)
Went Esplanade and enjoy the loving voice and music. Well, she really sings well.. We stayed until the performance ended and went for a walk before going home. Thanks for the day! :)
17 Nov 2007 (Friday)
Stayed back in sch till 1400 before going for work. Thnks to the accompany of Mel, Jae and Jeron in the library! :)
Work = Fun and Tiring but overall it's quite enjoyable. Today, a lizard scare me!!! LOL! Yea.
It begins with Customer A saying "Excuse me, there's a lizard on the pants." (in a very trembling tone) OHGOSH! WTH! A LIZARD! TELL ME FOR WHAT! I'M SUPER SUPER SUPER SCARE OF LIZARDS!!!!! AND I SAW IT! YUCKS! My lady boss didn't see it! DUH! She still took the pants off the rack and sway it around to see if there's anything!
GOSH! I'VE RAN to another side of the shop (OHMY! CAN U BELIEVE!? SHE ACTUALLY SWAY LEFT AND RIGHT TO SEE IF THERE'S ANTHING!!!) Needless to say, my customer move away frm her too... Who would want to bear the risk of having a lizard flying over and landing on your body! YUCKS! (I'm actually praying hard that she could juz stop doing that!)
Still, she say there's nothing and the customer must have seen the wrong thing. (BUT when she's flipping the pants, I SAW THE LIZARD!!!) GOSH! NVM.. SHE ACTUALLY THINKS THAT MY EYES ALSO PLAY TRICKS ON ME TOO!
After an hour, Customer B enter the shop, she approached me and say "Excuse me, there's a..." (With a frighten look! Trembling voice!)
I move away from that rack immediately before she could finish. GOSH! I KNEW IT! I KNEW SHE GOING TO TELL ME ABT THAT LIZARD! GOSH!!! My lady boss took the pants off the rack again and what she did is, she smack the pants against the wall! GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guess what?
After doing that, she say "There's nothing wat." (DUH! CAN SOMEONE JUZ GIVE HER A MAGNIFYING GLASS!) It's there! Both the customers and I saw it! I think the lizard must have jump off the pants, given the smacking action that she did. -.-""
Yea, I finally managed to locate the lizard! It's behind the wooden bar! YUCKS!!!! My boss still say she saw nothing!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH HER! So I brought her there, and show her (Even though I'm very scared but I die also must prove that there's nothing wrong with my eyesight! She thinks I'm lying or wat!?")
This time round, she actually use a metal pole to poke it! SHIT!!!!!! YUCKS~!!!! ARGHHHHHH! I feel like dying so much!!! And it irritates the lizard, it ran and jump inside the storeroom! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Now we have a lizard in the storeroom! I doubt how am I going to take stock inside that room!!! WAGHHHHHHH!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
9:41:00 PM
SUPER TIRED!!!Gosh! Had been working these days... It's really very tiring :(MY FACIAL PRODUCTS! HERE THEY ARE FINALLY! Thanks to aunt who helped me to order it! :) Ohwells, Happy that my facial products are here but sad to KISS GOODBYE to my $200+ bucks. I guess this is what it meant by "There's gain & There's lose."FIE JAPAN! I really love their products so much! So cute! So nice! So sweet!
Ohwell... I really love this bracelet! It's so sweet! :)
Friday, November 09, 2007
11:08:00 PM
Wee~ So happy! Finally got my Music Playlist done! haha~ Thank you! Thank you!
Thurs (08/11)
Went to meet the supplier for the project @ Suntec. Woah! It's been a while ever since I last went Suntec. Recall the days that I've to walk all the way to Suntec to work. hehe~ Well.. Indeed it has changed quite a bit.
Yea. I bought the box of 12 for my family... It's really nice!!! No queue... Cuz it's pretty early in the morning... ;)
Work in the afternoon (yup, was called to work in the afternoon, luckily I'm working with Yina) Well, she's really very easy-going. We laughed like nobody business haha!
Fri (09/11)
Nothing much happen today... Forgive and Forget. (I'll try to)
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
8:45:00 PM
Mend my blog the whole afternoon today.. Not really the whole afternoon.. but yea.. till NOW! Finally done.. but still can't load the irritating playlist.. No idea.. Dun ask me why..
恶作剧2吻COMING! Super duper excited!!!
Hope to get it ASAP!!!
Having a lot of thoughts going thru and fro in my mind today. Yea. The choice of having the 6 months IAP or taking Level 3.2 modules. But finally I've made a decision today... but I'm not going to reveal so soon till I've done the selection. However I finally know what I really wanted... I'm going this way!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
5:34:00 PM
After several days of sickness, I'm fine now... can say it's getting much better now.. Not yet fully recovered. Still has got some breathing difficulties. It's terrible when I sleep.. arghhh...
Been sick from Mon till Thurs (The Sufferings Period). Went work on Thurs despite of sore throat. Luckily I still managed to step out alive of the shop... Thankful that my working partner, Nancy, was very nice and sweet. Ohyea, saw Sam too! Shopping @ Bugis (reason: No FP tutorial to do for the next day) LoL!
Friday-Went shopping with my sis. Yea. Around AMK cause she ends late. Still I manage to buy some stuff. Ohwells, actually I'm the one spending not her. She didn't get a single thing except Ice-Cream Waffle! haha~ Yea, I dragged her to have Andersen Ice-Cream with me cause I LOVE ICE CREAM!
Yea, bought 南拳妈妈-藏宝图 and Jay Chou's 我很忙. THE FACE SHOP - Seaweed Mask and Eyelash Essence. That's all about it. Nothing much to buy also.

I Fell Down. (Laugh if u want to... )
Sun - Dinner @ KeyPoint with my family. (I didn't even noe it actually a Birthday Celebration for my dear sis cousin!) haha... Looks like I'm really gone case.. Everyone knows about it except me.. Went Concourse before my parents came. Ohwells, it's the first time I went there.. hmmm.. not a very good impression.. for there's nothing.. so quiet and so empty... tsk tsk tsk..

ENERGY @ Bugis. I didn't take this pic on a purpose... ohyea.. For Eliza! ;)
Christmas Fair @ The Concourse. CHRISTMAS COMING! YAY!