Monday, October 29, 2007
8:27:00 PM
Feel so tired now... I wonder if I can speak for tml presentation. It's really super painful!! AWWWW~
Sore throat, Flu and Fever. It's always a combination of 3 for me each time. So I went to take a nap... IT ACTUALLY GET WORSE when I wake up... And now it's like some zombie blogging and drinking some bitter herbal tea... Didn't had my dinner.. It's so painful that I can hardly swallow anything down... Including water.. Water worse.. AARRGHHHHH!!!!
Was pretty pissed off with my face these days... It's like so oily and I'm so clueless why is it so... Been cleaning and cleaning.. STILL THE SAME! So I actually went to THE FACE SHOP to get a few masks (trying to see if it does stop all these nonsense a not)...
Anyway kinda sad... cuz I went to ERABELLE yesterday to get my eyebrows done... But den it's like the list is so long... I've got to wait till 2030 den there's slot for me.. Sianz.. Obviously I didn't stay there for so long... Crazy.. I ended my work at 1600.. 4 HRS!!! It's like impossible for me to wait so long... So went home instead.. :(
Sunday, October 28, 2007
8:59:00 AM
It's a tiring week. Besides lectures, Now tutorials... hmmm... and PROJECTS!Alright, what's there to whine... afterall... it's the same thing over and over again for each and every sem. (Yes, I know but still.... NOT USED to it yet...besides there isn't any vacation for me at all! Kiss goodbye AGAIN to my HONGKONG TRIP....sighhh...)Okie dokie.. Work FULL shift again yesterday. OH YES! I saw SHERRY and her BF. Ohwell, I think I would change my earlier statement that "Her BF looks a bit old". On a second look, I think he look like his age and look quite tan. Haha~ Gonna tell SHERRY tml! AND that little girl must have gone shopping yesterday... so sad... couldn't talk to her as MY LADY BOSS is there.. :(Anyway working morning shift later.. can't write much now either.. GOTCHA!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
10:34:00 PM
Was kinda happy cuz my lappy is free from whatever malware it is... Yesterday I brought it to the school IT Helpdesk. All the nice people there to help us :)
1) My lappy has got no more Trojan Horse. It has already been removed but still it's shown on the Threat Histories.
2) Finally I got enough spaces in my C Drive! haha~ Actually it was till yesterday den I know that my lappy has got 3 drives for me to store stuff... DUH!
haha~ So funny!
The uncles there asked the same question..
Of course, my reply is a no. Cause it's strange to them that I like a stranger to my lappy. haha~ To me, as long as it can function properly and I can do my stuff... I dun really care if there's this or that... UNLESS SOMETHING CROP UP!
OMG! I'm now reading Vol.9 of that comic! SAD! Hopefully that comic shop manage to help me order Vol.10. It's kinda sad as it's that part where they get married!!! OH GOSH!!
Okie dokie.. I gotta go... Lesson ends early today. Hopefully it goes the same for tml :)
Well.. Just get to know I'll be working FULL shift on SAT. -.-""
Monday, October 22, 2007
8:40:00 PM
IT'S MONDAY BLU!!!Had rather emo these days... Sometimes I talk... Sometimes I wud just keep quiet... Hmmm... What's going on with me??? (I dun noe either)
As I think, probably I know a few causes here and there already. Certainly I know that there are sometimes there are some things that are meant to be say and some not to be. For me, whatever it is, I know I would just like it be like this and keep quiet until I get over it. I just dun like to talk about it... pointless...I just hope that I can get over it... Maybe it's such a sudden change that I'm still not used to it.. That's why... I always think that I dun have enough holidays = NOT ENOUGH REST = TOO MUCH EXPOSURE.... That's why I'm like dat NOW!!?? Alright.. Crap...School isn't that bad today... BUT...Anyway I just love TUES. THURS and FRI so much! Classes start at 1100 for TUES and ends at 1600! MUCKS! THURS and FRI ends very very early! I like that too!Actually I tot I would dislike MON and WED. Until I think of the good side... WED start my tutorial early and the rest of the day is LECTURE!!!
(Dun ask me abt MON cuz I've yet to seen its good side...)Seems like my lappy gotten some Trojan Horse.. Well... Glad that I didn't sell my textbooks!!! Actually I went to read up on the CIP textbook.... Here's what it say;A Trojan Horse is a malicious program that masquerades as something else - usually as some type of application program. When the seemingly legitimate programe is run, the destructive program executes instead. Unlike viruses and worms, Trojan horses cannot replicate themselves and are usually spread by being downloaded from the Internet. Some Trohan horses today are designed to find sensitice information located on an infected PC and send it to the malware creator, typically for use in fraudulent activities.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
7:35:00 PM
I feel so TIRED each day... NO MOOD at all.. No Life.. Awww~ Whatever it is... EVERYTHING IS SO FREAKING BAD!!! :(
Had been attending lecture all day long... kinda bored...Hmmm... I guess this is the aftermath of working non-stop... No idea what's wrong with me these days... AWWWW~~~
Oh yea... ONE sad thing came into my life... MY BOSS actually wanted me to work on SUN too.. That means I got to work not only on FRI, SAT and SUN also!!!
ARGHHHH!!! I dun noe... Feel so reluctant to work... It's so tiring... But... I couldn't afford not to spend a single cent lesser anymore...I noe I've spoilt myself...It's so hard to change... (Actually reluctant to change, WHATEVER!)
Anyway GOOD LUCK to me these days...I've trying hard to maintain my right mood all day long... But I doubt I would be able to do so again....
Well... I bought 淘气小亲亲 it's a comic... Actually it's the origin of the VCD that I bought the other day.. kakaka... I bought the whole set for $88 bucks.. Hmmm.. But I've been scouting for it since SEC 4! Gosh!!!
The comic shop actually lost 淘气小亲亲10集. GOSH! MY COLLECTION! It's like a jigsaw with a missing piece.. :( It makes me so sad that I almost cried today when I went to that shop and she told me abt the shocking news. But it's actually normal esp when I'm so emo these days..
Sunday, October 14, 2007
6:38:00 PM
Let me do a daily update... Sorry guys, had been very busy these days.
FRIDAY, 12 October 2007
It's the last day of my ITP (Industrial Training Programme). I'm happy and I'm sad... :)
I missed the tall buildings and the amazing atmosphere of the Raffles Place area... Well, FLASH BACK, I can still remember the very first day the 3 of us (Sherry, Bernice and Me) meet and step out of the station.. It's like WOW! To me, it's like "I'M FINALLY HERE!" Working there isn't that day even though I do get very pissed off by some small little stuff eg. the SLOW SERVER and thing like dat but still I guess it's how things work in this world.
At 40th Floor...
At 17th Floor...
Spot any difference... It's actually very different...
We're the CLEANERS!!
Haha... No lahz.. We are actually cleaning the keyboard.. cuz it's a "bit" dusty...
SNACKS for our LAST day! It's actually Kong Guan biscuits...
Our GIFTS! See the TOBERONE! It's from the 6 of us! Both us reach at 0830 and started preparing all these... See the results.. So nice! (We usually reach our workplace very very early... LOL!)
My lankyard!!!
This cute little stuff standing firm! OCBC LIGHTBULB! haha!
SATURDAY, 13 October 2007
I dread working today... Because I've been very busy watching VCD... OMG! I really love the story so much!!! Anyway went to work at 1400 and work till 2200plus.. Very tiring! Anyway customers today are a bit slow... I almost fall asleep standing there... Luckily, we manged to hit $4K plus... Phew~ It's the second time...
SUNDAY, 14 October 2007
I dread working today too! Everything is like so SLOW, BORED! I almost died! I think even if I died also nobody would discover! Hmmm.. Sales was BAD! I knew she's not happy. That's all! What can I do? I hate it when I've got to make sure this is good or whatever thing.. Can things get simple and easy for me? Why am I so stressed even when I'm working???
Sunday, October 07, 2007
8:50:00 PM

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Work MORNING shift with Eliza! Haha... Really enjoy working with her... So much to chat about.. Yadadada.. I know I'm getting from bad to worse.. kakaka...
Went SHOPPING with mummy today at AMK HUB and my dear sis! Love em so much!!!
Mummy bought a set of facial product today! VOO! (What about mine???)
I still gotta place my order and wait for its arrival... sadsadsad... I guess it's gonna cost me about $200 plus to 3 again...
Oh yea.. Not forgetting.. Shopping spree for the day... Let's see....
Bought恶作剧之吻VCD today! lalalalala~~~
I FINALLY BOUGHT IT! I'm like dying to get this man!
Philosopher! by FAN WEI QI
This is so much so cheaper than the original one.. Bought this version, of course, cuz it's cheaper and I dun see the point of buying so expensive one either.. haha..
Showcase of my "dressing" area...
My box of watches, the box of accessories, and all the messy bottles and bottles of facial products.. Oh yadada.. I once told my friend, that I'm wasting money by buying all these and in the end didn't use it..
Tsk Tsk TsK..
5 more days to go!
My attachment ending soon!
Labels: My Life
12:19:00 AM
Ohwell... There's no any particular reason as to why I'm changing my blogskin. Cuz I'm getting a little sick of the previous one even though I really like it a lot. Looks like this isn't a nice one too... Sth happened and I dun noe why... This blogskin looks a bit empty at the bottom... Whatever.. I can't be bothered.
Anyway it's a tiring day at work.. working FULL shift again... Hmmm...yeayea... Amanda last day of work today and I'm so honoured to get to work with her. Sales had been good today... Phew... Kinda busy..
I'm tired. I shall see what I can do to my blogskin..