Sunday, September 30, 2007
9:38:00 PM
Ohwell...A simple life with a simple day! :)
Work FULL shift on Sat. (It's super tiring) NO LIFE! It's like I barely got enough sleep after coming home on Fri and got to rush to work in the morning on Sat. Hmmmm.... Basically I work from 1030 till 2200...
Strange! I didn't feel any hunger... I only ate 2 currypuff in the morning for my brunch and 1 bread in the evening. Hmmm... Feel so satisfied...
Can't eat much.. I'm afraid of gainning weight which in fact... I am!
Well.. I guess it must be quite sometime ever since I last work FULL shift.. Cuz I had a hard time walking back home.. :(
" I dun think so... I dun think so... Gonna think twice now... Dun question me anything!"
Friday, September 28, 2007
9:08:00 PM
I'm thinking about this 2 topics... My conversation topic with my bestie.. hmmm..
Before I go into that... MY Artistic painting! (Actually I created using PAINT..)

PS: 2nd row, 3rd bear(frm left) . Notice my name on it?? haha..
Whereas 3rd row, 1st bear (frm left) is actually my bestie's bear! 3rd row,3rd bear (frm left) is actually Wei Ting's bear! haha..
How would u labelled this guy as a MUMMY BOY??? Does he call to inform his mummy where his going and his 'whereabout'? Does he phone his mummy what he eats and where you guys dine at and how much it cost him? Would he phrase his sentence with 'my mummy' in it?
Well... It's really tough to categorise and labelled somebody a MUMMY BOY. However at times, without having to analyse much (which I'm not really skillful at...) you would be so sure that 'HE'S A MUMMY BOY!"
It seems like dating a MUMMY BOY isn't a good thing afterall. In my opinion, I see more cons than pros. Hmmm.... How terrible is it? Should I say 'MUMMY BOY! STAY OUT OF MY WAY!?" Guess nope, well, no doubt I'm a MUMMY GIRL! haha... yesyesyes.. Despite many people often remarked that it's alright for a girl to call her mum to inform her where she is and get back home before the curfew hours and so on. So I guess, it's kinda pathetic for the guys.
Back to the topic, Dating a MUMMY BOY. I guess it's gonna be tough. His mummy expect you to be this and that... or in some cases... you sort of got restricted even in dating. Like you can't go there because his mummy say that's not a good place or the food there is not fresh enough or something like that. Isn't that pathetic? Ohwells! The pros! Yes, the pros. Dating a MUMMY BOY maybe something GOOD?? It depends on that girl. Seeing pros as you can get back home real early and yea... he's a nice boy... so everything might be nice, sweet and all... Hmmm...
So what you think? Is it good or bad? Ohwell, it's really a personal opinion afterall...
Monday, September 24, 2007
9:53:00 PM
As usual... A tiring day after work...On top of that... I'm not feeling well :(
No photos today... Cuz I'm busy working the whole day...
I love reading this so much. It's like SO TRUE! Yes.. so to the guys out there who want to know more about what gals had been doing in the ladies.... READ THIS!Yesyesyes... I totally agree with #1. It actually quite true and definitely... I've heard a million times from the guys this - WHY DO GALS LIKE TO GO TOILET TOGETHER?Kakaka... You would never know what's actually happening inside the ladies.. Of course... Most of the time is to GOSSIP. Even if we do not need to-go-to-the-toilet... you can still see us tagging along with the rest of them... WHY?
OF COURSE... to GOSSIP... Make up and so on....Hmmm... Tot of buying perfume again... Sighhhh.. When can I receive my pay???
Kinda sad... Normally my pay doesn't last me for 2 week... Yesyesyes... I'm serious...
(Sorry... Not really in the mood to post more stuff... I'm not feeling well.. That's all!)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
8:56:00 PM
So tired after working today...
Okie... Some juicy gossip really shocked me today.. Hmmm...
Anyway photos..
My NEW Colleague... Nice working with her too!
Initially I'm supposed to get "PS: I LOVE YOU" but den the catchy title made me changed my decision... It's hilarious and definitely interesting... (BETTER than the last book I read)
Okie... Had so much fun time at work yesterday... (WORKING WITH AMANDA)
I'm not sure if she wud read this post but still I'll do what I say....
PS: But still I know you would read on... haha.. Thanks me for getting you famous here...
Friday, September 21, 2007
11:28:00 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
10:24:00 PM
Today.. was a bit bad.. but it turns out to be pretty alright!
Ms. Koh (My Liason Officer) came to visit us today!
Met her 3 of her banker student and had lunch at OCBC Lvl 5. It's a nice lunching with her and the rest of them. Learn quite a bit during this 3 hrs.
Work today pissed me off.. Cuz too many data and it work out quite slow.. I'm getting a little impatience..
Some pics for the day...

Just happened Ms. Koh asked me to take some of these pics for her as she needs it for some sch stuff... So I juz upload here for viewing.. haha..
Tedious work... Hmmm..
Went to eat Mac with Bernice and have a walk around.. We walked and chat..
I really like this kinda activity.. It's like so NICE!

Shocked me when I feel the bridge shaking.. Bernice was clam to tell me, it's a bridge afterall.. People run and definitely it would shake or wat.. Now I know.

Took this.. Can u spot OCBC Bank??

Lantern Festival coming!!!
I hope that there's much event... Hmmm.. I juz love eating mooncakes and playing with the colouful candles...
Okay... Time to sleep.. Tml gonna be a long day.. I wish I'm given much more and heavier work load.. I'm praying hard (winks*)
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
9:47:00 PM
Okay.. This is taken today. Fresh from the oven. Moved to this level today and NICE VIEW!
I'm in love with this scene!

See! The yellow colour ball... DHL balloon... Bernice say it's pretty scary... I think it's not.. haha.. We can really sit there and discuss the balloon for a while..
The 'DURIANS' :)
Hmmm... I always wonder what is that
'Spaceship-like-building'.. See it??
A hairy spider?? No..
What is it???(Okay, I admit.. I'm a bit wu liao)
My 'so-called-comic' creation.. haha..
Understand the story.. Not likely..
It actually this guy who saw a ghost, he ran and ran den saw little legs of the ghost so his face turned green. In the end, the ghost chased him cuz the ghost like him.. haha..
Second creation
Credits to Dionne and Yue er for the ideas..
I love Raffles The Plaza!
The box and the mooncakes.. It's such a creative way of packaging it!
Labels: Attachment
Sunday, September 09, 2007
10:16:00 PM
2nd week has passed!Looks like I'm very happy hur??Was posted to Octagon last week. It was kinda 'FUN' and all... haha..
Hmmm.. The buildings and facilities are really bad. (I feel so) First time ever in my life, I got trapped in the lift. BUT it's like only a few seconds...And it's scary cuz it stopped at Level 13. WHOOoo! Next, it reach level ?? and the door opened by itself... that level was in total darkness.. Scary hur..
Actually if I'm alone, I would sure cry and freak out! Thank god, there's still a few of us inside. Phew... Since young, I've always been told how terrible it is to get trapped in the lifts.. Horror movies and all.. all these actually made me feels so afraid of taking lifts alone. YES. ALONE.
But I've always got this idea what would the case be if I would to get trapped one day...
I would have a loaf of bread, a few packets of drinks, a small little fan, a super-shine-touchlight. haha.. SO I can enjoy eating and drinking without fearing of the darkness and the stuffy atmosphere. (Like picnic hur...)
Anyway... I get to learn a few things there and was longing to end my days at the Octagon. Things always happened like that... At the very last day at the Octagon, actually I'm like missing the place and the noisy staff at Level 15. haha.. Ohwell.. That's another part of the story but I shan't touch on it..
Okie.. Gonna work tml... GTG!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
10:37:00 PM
I think it's pretty boring to blog every single day. Kinda boring. Cuz I lead A BORING LIFE. Nahz..
Anyway 7 weeks of attachment, 1 week has already passed.
Since I'm not supposed to reveal much about what I'm doing. So I would just touch a little on the surface. hehehe.. dun get me into trouble.
Okay.. As u guys know I'm in OCBC, in a department, doing things like typing, photocopying etc. That's all.
Haha.. I know sure there's an urge to strangle me. haha.. No choice la.. I can only touch on this much. As for wat I'm really doing, it depends on ur imagination. Coffee gal? Clerk? Or just a slacker???
Yup, lot of work for me and yue er. We are like almost dying.. haha.. (Just joking, not so serious but sure, our eyes are taking much stress lately..)
So sad. Work at DETAILS (another job) For ur info, MON- FRI is OCBC Attachment, SAT - SUN is my usual BUGIS job.
Actually lots to complaint abt work today but never mind, it's a PUBLIC blog.. Scare dun noe one day my boss's son happen to read or my boss happen to read den I die. ( THINK TOO MUCH) haha.. Ask me then! haha..
This is one problem with blog.
Blog is actually an online diary. But too bad it's expose to the PUBLIC so everyone can read, esp when ur friend HAPPENED to get to find your blog. I feel.....THAT'S IT! Everytime I think of this part, I'm like laughing like mad.. haha.. Nvm.. continue. hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Yea. Of course you can post watever u feel like saying etc. here but still it's PUBLIC so there's no sense of security and privacy. You can show your emotion here, of course, afterall you can say "THIS IS MY BLOG" but still ppl maybe reading it and don't really like it or so whatever etc. It's kind of CONFUSING. People can say " This is my blog, if you don't like this or that you can CHOOSE not to read it" but still I meant most (not all ppl) ppl are pretty much kaypo rite, ME TOO! I'm a 100% one! So no matter wat there are ppl who would be reading here or there or watsoever, so I think the best way is, yes, you can post ur entry but keep it..... not so much of... expose every of ur secret.. it's actually killing yourself. And of course, maybe if you want to badmouth others or anything to do with somebody that's bad.. Protect their identity, afterall I feel it's not good to really post something like "I HATE TAN HAA HAA." OF course, it's your blog, you can say wat you like but spare a thought for others by protecting their identity when you are referring to something bad. I does not reflect good of yourself and that person rite?