Monday, April 30, 2007
9:08:00 PM
How I wish....How I wish that I wud be free from all trouble.
Looking at the clear blue sky, with breezy wind coming in my direction.I heard the wind whispering to me..."Keep going, Dun give up."I realised..this is life, it is wat it has to be for me.Some of the random pics that I took when I began my habit - standing at the window, looking out of the window.... Close my eyes and feel the environment.

Well...I guess I've began to feel the tension coming. The pressure of Year 2. The stress. The tension. The pressure.
I dun noe why.. I still can't out of my holiday mood. As usual, I spend hours doing my tutorials when my peers complete them within a few hrs. I dun noe why I've been reading so slow??? What's wrong with me???
PS: Kinda weird... Why everyone wan to catch Spiderman 3? Huh???GuYS! Pls watch out! Pay attention to your body language!!!It's kinda sickening. I'm taking 74 home when there is this couple who sat beside me.
Yea. Can tell they are also poly students. Can tell that they are year 1 student.
Anyway, go straight to the point. The guy is sitting on my left and a gal is sitting on his left.
I can't be bothered with wat who is sitting beside me UNTIL the guy began shaking his leg. Awww~I've been observing his action for quite some time and realised that
he has been shaking his legs even single seconds while talking to the gal. I dun noe what the gal thinks or how she feels. But it's really very irritating and sickening for somebody who sat beside me to keep shaking his leg! It's how much body language tells abt a person.
If I'm that gal, I wud get off the bus immediately without telling him and stop talking to him since that moment. (Yea, I do that!) It's such a disgrace!I think it's essential for guys to actually attend lessons on how to behave in the public.
(Talk abt this remind me of sth else.......anyway it's another negative issue on the body language of the guys....NEGATIVE!)So guys, mind your body language!!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
9:11:00 PM
I LOVE S.H.E!Haha...It's not a surprise coz I began my collection since their first yea...SUPPORT COPYRIGHT!!!Yeah! Finally...the long awaiting PLAY is coming out soon in May! Wooo! I'm not sure if they are going to be having both the 'Classic' Version and the 'Economical' Version in Singapore. Cuz it's launching in China. Yea! Particularly love the song '中国话'... So challenging and so cute! kakaka~
扁担宽 板凳长
扁担宽 板凳长
莫斯科的夫司基 爱上牛肉面疙瘩
扁担宽 板凳长
卧著一只鹅 坡下流著一条河
鹅要过河 河要渡鹅
纽约苏珊娜开了间禅风lounge bar
嘴说腿 腿说嘴
嘴说腿 爱跑腿
腿说嘴 爱卖嘴
光动嘴 不动腿
光动腿 不动嘴
12:28:00 AM
A summary of emotions.Yes. It's definitely a summary of this week emotions. Notice that I've not been blogging for these few days. School has started and this is the 2nd week, needless to say, tons of work, tutorials, news article and all. It's all driving me crazy yet I'm enjoying it all. *Huh?*
Finally get to meet my new classmates this week as tutorials begins only on the 2nd week.
MY NEW CLASSMATES! So far, I din even communicate much with eveyone yet cuz their behaviour (for some), their character (for some), their expression (for some)... kinda made me feel so distant. Afterall, it's new faces that we met for the 1st time.
Oh yea! Oh yea! Before I forgotten, Ver.2 AR actually returns back! Now they have send their people from their clan to TF02. Looks like I've got to get used to all these again (afterall, I've been kept away from them during the holidays.)
*Laughing Out Loud* I couldn't stop laughing when I recall the scene when I first heard Ver 2. AR speaks in the class. I'm like...HUH!*looking around the class, tracing the source.* That's funny!Tutorials- nice and not. Perharps, I guess tutors of this sem tends to be late for their tutorials and they wud began explaining why they are late and and all...*Is there a need?* Anyway I enjoy all my tutorials
expect IEF (Intenational Economics and Finance) My tutor is Mrs. Koh and yea..she's really very funny and cute with all her jokes. I do agree that I enjoy all these as time seems to passby very quickly however
I dun like the idea to get myself so stressed up and began worrying about wat wud happen in the IEF tutorial. Getting myself to read my lectures notes, doing my tutorials, and reading the papers to absorb all the news and details before the 1100 IEF tutorials. Scare that I might be pin down for not participating. Scare of participating and get "nice" remarks back from her. *Move also die, Dun move die faster.* Wooo~ She's really super duper scary. I've still yet to think of idea how to convince myself that she's nice and all?
People pls dun leave!!!!Jocelyn and XinRu are leaving! Sad!!! Kinda shocked when I heard this piece of news todae when I went for work. Yea, Thanks to Bernice for convincing me to take 74 to SP so as to be able to get to my workplace on time. Thanks gal! I reached at 1555. Phew~ I tot I wud be late. Anyway back to the topic, yea, XinRu is leaving cuz she has found herself a Full-Time job. Sad. Jocelyn is leaving cuz of some weird reasons that she gave.. *HUH?* I also find the reasons very weird. Poor thing. My outlet now got 2 people leaving, shortage of labour again. Finally, HarbourFront managed to slove it's labour problem, now Bugis. Looks like my boss is really going to have a difficult time. May she be fine. =)
Friday, April 20, 2007
7:23:00 AM
Kinda weird for me to blog at such early morning
(HELLO! NOW is 0723hrs!) Alright...nvm... maybe for some...I'm consider a late pig. Yea. Was up early
to_wan_to_print my FMGT notes. kakaka...Yes! I'm seriously a lazy nut.
LOOKS LIKE I'M UNABLE TO PRINTTTTT!!!!!AHHHH! Cuz now den I realised there is no notes in MeL, I've got to BUY from Vin Enterprise! Kinda bad cuz lesson is starting later at 1000hrs, looks like I've got to buy later. (pls pls pls, no queue pls! If not, I bet given my rate....I'm sure late....and it's LT45!)
IT'SSSSSSSSSSSS not that I'm bias or wat but I hate to go over to LT45.. Kinda dislike engineering students but no doubt rite??Looks like I've gotta go! =P
Monday, April 16, 2007
1:42:00 PM
School starts tml for mee! Wee~ I'm looking forward to the arrival of tomorrow!1. I can't believed that the
1st lecturer that I would be meeting is
KOH POH TEE. She's just fine. =) And there 2 hrs break tml... there goes to say...we gals would have plenty of time chat, update and all. yea.
2. I can't believe that my last week of holidays is actually a very terrible one. Basically I took quite a bit of OFF days due to my sickness. No doubt. It's a very serious case. I dun noe where or when did I caught this naughty flu bug that makes me get so sick. Working at HarbourFront Outlet on Wed and I caught this naughty bug! Thursday... It's suppose to be a day to meet up with my PolyBFs but I couldn't go cause by then I'm already "heavily" sick with fever as high as 38.5, heavy flu, sorethroat.
Yet! I still did went for work (cause Kailing is sick too, last mintue, no replacement) So I brought a box of tissue, 3 bottle of herbal tea, my medicine, 1 bottle of mineral water and a packet of strepsil. It's the worst day at work. My throat brought me so much pain that I couldn't speak much to my customers. (
And u noe, when u dun speak much, u tend to look a bit rude.) Took leave on Fri and todae.
Actually I'm perfectly fine todae just that my nose is still a little blocked and I'm very tired.
3. I can't believe.... kakakaka... Let this be a mystery!School tomorrow! Yippie! I'm so happy!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
10:49:00 AM
I can't believed that
SCHOOL RE-OPENING next week! Kinda dread going there to see "some" people again...
OBVIOUSLY I've been so happy not to see them during my wonderful vacation. (Yes, it sound kinda sarcastic but it's how I really feels!) No doubt, I've to get back to that place with people around me wearing their new 'masks' (kinda disgusting! Shall I paint one for them so I feels "not that disgusted" whenever I see them. Awww~ puke puke puke.)
So I guess, life in a polytechnic would still be the same for me. I would remain living in my own world. (Guess. I couldn't deny this and I couldn't "shake off" this bad-habit.)Anyway I do look forward to the Brand New Year 2! Yeah! I'm finally a Year 2 student! kakaka~I really wonder how is my new classmates and who is my tutor and all the juicy gossip to catch up with. Even though I may be living in my own world most of the time but I do take a walk once in a while to "learn" about whatishappening around me. BREEZE! No lesson on Monday! Lesson start on a bright and sunny Tuesday with everyone wearing a =s .... walking up the slope, making their way to LT45!!! (it's not really something I should be laughing at cuz I wud be one of them... can't help it.. Poor little ones..)
Sunday, April 01, 2007
8:39:00 PM
Nicole, you're an
In your life, money and emotional well-being are closely linked. You likely give a good deal of thought to your current financial state, as well as your fiscal future. You're driven to achieve wealth and create an abundant financial life for yourself, and it may feel sometimes like you're struggling to keep up with your peers. You see your financial successes as integral to your ability to feel content and happy, and thus you may prefer to seek out friends and partners who share your financial motivation and ideology.
When it comes to your financial state, you tend to feel like you're about where you think you should be.
I'm not sure if it's true but I'm really going for a shopping spree again! Haha! Wee~