Monday, October 30, 2006
9:58:00 PM

Trying to SYP my SIS! (Hope dat she wun notice that she's been "published" in my blog!) Anyway she wun get to notice it unless she happen to read my blog. (LMS.. Which I think she sledom..)
Sometimes.. I really wonder why we look so different. Even character also different. Interest also different.
Pic of both of US!
DO u think we look alike? lol!
But she's really a very nice sis. LUV HER! MUCK!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
8:28:00 PM
Jolin New MV! Yea! She ROX! New Song... it's a not a chinese song... It shud be hokkien or wat the taiwanese called... Mi Lan Yu... Ok. Nice dance.. Retroooo!Weee~
Yesterdae went to my granny house for the whole day! It's very very tiring! No time to complete my tutorials. I'm too busy. *Sad* Anyway juz managed to rush out wat's supposed to be seen tml. Phew! WCOM halfway done but halfway done also means done.
Spend the whole day at Granny house... Lotsa things to do. I'm not going tell u guys wat I did. hahaha~
Awwww~ Again.... I gotta face her. Ok. Right! S***! I dun wan to face her lahz. But... I can't escape. However this thing is making me so crazy rite now. No mood for anything else. It's juz so sudden anyway I dun intend to post much abt her. Waste my time and effort to type so much... That's all.
Friday, October 27, 2006
10:08:00 PM
GOODNESS! I forget to bring my LMS file to class todae!! Ahhhhh!!
Lesson start at 0800 this morning!
GOSH! Dat's really very early! It's my 1st time having an 0800 lesson in Poly. So very very super not use to it.. so obviously.. nearly late!
(Thnx goodness!! I'm NOT! haha~) Suppose to wake up at 0545 tis morning but... slp late last nite so woke up at 0645.. luckily it's not 0745!
I really gotta praise myself todae for being very speedy todae!
Weeee~ I managed to get everything done within the 15 mintues! GOSH!! However at the rate that the buses are going each morning and all that waiting for these "speedy" bus.. I wud definitely be late for my 1st IAC class which start at 0800!
Thnx to my MOMMY!!! MUCKS!She came in and gave me a few additional bucks to take cabby to sch! Phew~
STILL! I forget to bring my LMS! *Sad* In the end, instead of being able to hand in my assignment todae.. I've to hand dem on MON. WORST still.. gonna walk up to Blk 53! (coz she wan the hardcopy..)
Monday, October 23, 2006
Wat To Sae?
10:28:00 PM
Wat to sae....
Since the beginning of the school till now... I dun really like it. In fact, I'm not happy at all. Watever it is.. Who cares? I dun even wan to care abt how I'm feeling anyway. I dun wan any extra things to bother my life now and in fact, I dun wan to anything to do wif it.
Hopefully.. I can haf a nice SEM 2. I'm really very tired of having to face such things again and again. Spare me! I dun care! I dun wish to noe much! I can't be bothered!I juz pray and hopes that no more such thing... I'm tired. I dun wan to voice out at all. No comments. No hopes.Anyway.. It's shud always be a
Take a deep breath and S.M.I.L.E!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
5:44:00 PM
HERE!Ok.. Todae I din wanna post anything abt wat has happened cuz basically nothing much had really happened todae!
Isn't she a chio bu? Sexy, hot, cute and so chio!!
I dun noe wat others may think of her but I do get to hear some comments that she's so fake... act cute... etc. I juz dun understand why ppl wan to make such comments on her. As in.. yea.. she does act cute whlist hosting etc.
But.. Isn't that wat celebrities like them haf to do all the time. For one thing I can't tolerate.. Guys do made disgusting comments abt her.
Some are even
looking for scintillating answers about Fiona’s cup size, how sexy she feels and other lusty revelations. (Hey guys... think abt the issue in the way that...wat if the arrow is pointing at ur gf now...)
Basically I think she's juz fine. She’s (surprisingly) rather conservative in her thinking, and very blasé about her hourglass figure and ample bosom.
Hmmm..Well.. shall end here.Watever it is... I do admire her... and..
she's being nomiated nominated in the Top 10 Most Popular Female Artiste category! Hope that she wud be able to win this award this year... LOOKING FORWARD to the FASHION SHOW in this year STAR AWARD 2006!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
8:38:00 PM
FINALLY! SCHOOL REOPENS!! (yea.. I noe I'm a bit late to update abt this...) Cuz I juz dun feel like posting for the past few days. Dun really noe wat has happened to me. I feel dat.. it's kinda weird. However... I dun care at abt it at all now... afterall.. I dun think it's that important to keep me so busy wif thinking abt watever it is... cuz.. Wat's my purpose for going to sch.
YEA! TO GET MY DIPLOMA IN BFS then "BYE to NP!". Wheeeee~ So I dun wan to care abt anything else afterall I dun think it's that IMPORTANT.
Hmmm.. I trim my nails...
BACK to SHORT NAILS again! Waaaaaaa~Feel so sad! Bye to my LONG NAILS!!! Cuz dat dae my nails kanna damaged again. So mom suggested that I might as well trim all my nails back to short length so it'll be stronger the next time it grows. AWWWWW~ That's so sad. But den think of it in the LONG RUN!!! NICE LONG NAILS!!! Ok ok.. Bear wif my shorts nails for the moments and wait for it to grow long and strong once again!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
12:10:00 AM
Din have the time to post for a few days. was busy wif planning out how I'm going to spend my pay this time.
QUITE SAD actually..
They deduct my CPF! (ohh yea.. the CPF stuff.. I wun tok abt it later..) and once again... pay being cut short.
Hmm.. I spend 70 plus on some hair treatment stuff and todae! I spend $255 on a set of facial products. Hmmm.. it's indeed a bit ex but den if it's good for my skin..
I think it's quite worth it. I juz used it..
It's damn nice! It din create those sticky effects. I dun like creams or lotions to have sticky effects cuz it juz made me feel very frustrated.

Actually there still 2 more bottles but den I lazy display them out. It's very nice! Finally.... I'm done wif wat I wan except my phone. Once I spend on all these I wud haf to wait for my next pay which is
Anyway back to the CPF topic. I dun like it and I dun understand why they wan to deduct to my CPF. I dun mind if my CPF a/c is being left empty. It's alright. It's juz fine wif me. Now gotta deduct! Feel so sad.
Spoilt my WONDERFUL SHOPPING PLAN!Nevermind. Anyway I'm really very delighted that I wud be free frm WORK. Tml I took an unpaid leave. Yea.
SO the last day of work is on SUNDAY! YAY!
Monday, October 09, 2006
2:16:00 PM
OFF day = SIANZI meant its quite true cuz I dun really feel like going out. If I wud to sleep the whole day it wud be terrible for me.. Kinda a waste of time on sleeping.
ALRIGHT! 5 more days to go and I wud haf nothing more to do wif that damn company. So sad to say that but I really dun wish to see them anymore.
It's killing me... Arhhhhhh~ LOL!
Even though I dread going to work, I still try to buck up on my sales. Sad to sae. It's tough! Wif 4 ppl working in a small outlet(AGAIN!)
Yea! Again. Everytime when there's 4 ppl working together..
my sales definitely drop drastically from 500 plus to 100 plus each day. How terrible it is? Previously in Suntec also like dat. Now here also. Cuz Chris wud be staying here most of the time. Previously she used to be staying at Causeway but due to some prob she gotta stay here. OMG! It's killing me again! Wif 4 ppl working together...
How am I going to do well!? Perharps I shud hack care( but I think it's kinda bad..)
Nothing much... I'm very tired. Mentally and Physically tired!
Disappointed....Anger....Fear... Confuse... That's all!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
10:17:00 AM
OMG! I think it's very sweet to be wore on the feets of the kids. (depends on the age*)
Hmmm.. I began to change my idea of those
UGLY crocs. I noe it's bad to say they look ugly but isn't that true that ppl wear them juz like this. Without considering if it wud turns out well with their outfits. DUH!
Yesterdae I saw this lady wearing a very nice poka dots dress with a small knit cardigan.
GUESS WAT? She wore an ugly pair of crocs. As in...
WHY! Perharps it's ppl preferences.

However when I saw those little kids wearing small crocs...I think it's juz
so CUTE!! so LOVELY!! Errr.. I noe it's a bit werid but think it's very cute.
Cuz their crocs are so small. So cute!!
AWWWW~ I think I wud wan to buy a small pair of crocs. Esp when they are wearing red or pink crocs!!! SO SWWWEEETTT!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
11:44:00 PM
THANK YOU CAROL!!! Once again.. she helped me wif to slove all the problems! YAY!
I finally get an upaid leave for my SC outing next sat and can still haf my usual OFF day on mon. Great! Thnx to Chris cuz my boss is currently in HongKong so we have the freedom to take leave.
Hmmm.. Now cannot concentrate hard on my work.
Feel so sick. The haze is getting from bad to worst. I wonder why is that so.. the PSI is getting higher and higher. I feel so uncomfortable.. dun even want to step out of the house. Worst still.. stepping out of the house to go work. How bad it is? If stepping out of the house meant I'm going shopping or wat... perharps I dun mind but to WORK! I think... erhmmm... watever it is I dun really care cuz I still left wif abt 7 days to go and I wud never get to work anymore.. I think it's a pretty nice thing. Cuz I really dun haf the mood to work anymore..
The strange thing is I juz happen to saw a big crowd at the Yishun MRT station there.. There's some sorta performance going on.. I think shud be celebrating
MOONCAKE festival.. I find it strange.. wif the PSI so high..ppl still wanna stay out there to watch the performance..
It's killing! Wat's so nice abt the performance? More important than ur health!?
I'm UPSET! How could U! Hur!
Friday, October 06, 2006
11:13:00 AM
YaY! New BlOG SKIN!! I luv this!!!
Actually I get to noe this skinner frm the NP monthly Student Newsletter. I happen to flip through and saw this little article abt her and was captured by the gorgeous looking skin pic! So went to look for the skin and juz managed to locate it yesterdae! Howeverl.. all the code stuff made things crazy for me.. had some difficulties in dealing wif them.. Watever it is, it looks pretty in order now..haha~ (there's still some errors here and there...sighhh)
ONE More week to go! Wheeeee~ Sem 2 cuming!!! Finally! Finally! SCHOOL REOPENS!! YAY!
I feel this way cuz I dread to go work.. Lazy me. Yea! I'm lazy and I dislike the way the company function. There's some prob and communication breakdown between the ppl working in the office and us. Watever it is... NONE OF MY BIZ.. As long as I get my pay and let me off on the 15 OCT.. Oh yea! I pray hard! VERY hard that I wud be able to exchange my off day wif 14 OCT so that I can go the SC OUTING!! GP 6 ROX!
Hmmm.. awwww~ it's bothering me.. sighhhh~ I'm really afraid that the damn co. wud transfer me off again cuz Chris wud be back todae.. Awwwwwwwwww~I DUN WAN!!! Let me pray hard.. Real Hard!
One thing to u guys... I really wish to see u guys in the cuming SEM 2! Miss all the FUN and LAUGHTER... NOT forgetting our STRESS and PRESSURE!! LOL!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
11:59:00 PM
听妈妈的话 by Jay Chou...
Luv this song so much... Juz happen to find this MV and decided to post here cuz it's so NICE! SO CUTE! Hmmm.. anyway it's damn NICE!!! VEry Very NICE!!! EnjoY!