Saturday, September 30, 2006
11:44:00 PM
Actually I din really wan to post for the past few days cuz I wud be whinning about my job all the time.Glad to sae... I begins to luv my job now(ok... face it... I admit and agreed dat I'm really someone who changes very quickly...That's ME!) I've been improving on my sales each day. It's like fighting wars each day in NP. Although it's pretty quiet at times but when it cums to evening.. it can be really busy! I luv it! I must prove to that MANAGER dat we can hit the shop target! (In which we already did!!!) Hooooorayyyyyy~ Transferring again? Alright to ease myself I called the office and pointed out that I dun really like to transfer here and there. I dun noe if they are human being... if they are.. they shud understand how I feel abt their actions. I dun care anymore... 15 days more to go... and I wud say BYE to them(I wud never miss them! NEVER! However I wud miss my friends there...) hehe~ Dun worry guys! I make sure I wud buy snacks for u guys and visit whenever I'm free...
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
11:35:00 PM
DUH! I really dun noe wat's wrong wif my company. It juz keep turning me round and round. CONFUSED!
Todae... Carmen called me and sae I wud be sent back to STD after working till SUN.. *DUH!* Office told me to work till 15 Oct at my current working place. (I'm very very piss off... how cum the instructions so confusing!)
Watever... I called Hui Yan(Office HR) and she sae they are still at the mist of discussing whether to transfer me or wat. ( HUH! NOW still discussing!) OMG! I cannot stand the way they work.. It is damn slow and damn messy. Very calculative and very confusing.
LOL! I saw " going toward WOODLANDS" and " going toward MARINA"... I sighhh... Look so sad when I'm now taking train which is going to W.O.O.D.L.A.N.D.S...
So I got this.. WOODLAND arh?? (wat kinda expression is this?) Anyway I juz sat there and stare...stepping into a very empty train as compared to the opp side which is normally more crowded... cuz it's going toward town area... sighhh...

But.. I'm glad dat I'm not at STD todae cuz my manager went down there todae. As usual.. he show off tat "I'm the MANAGER!" look. Tis really made Carmen damn piss off.. *how cum I noe... (Cuz she called me and whine to me..LOL)
Anyway 1 thing I feel so strange is I dun like ppl to ask if I haf a BF or not.... (sad to sae... ppl often pop up this kinda qn.) Working in STD.. Carmen asked.. Followed by is my supervisor.. I sae 'no' den dey still tot I kidding (OMG! I feel like laughing at their funny qn.) Why can't ppl say NO and wat makes them think I've or I'm kidding... LOL! Irene asked me the same qn(AGAIN!) todae.. Errrrr... I feel so disturbed... There certainly lotsa qn out there to break the ice. Why choose this???WOW! SURPRISE!!!
Bernice came to visit me todae (she's always the 1st one to come to visit me de.. LOL) I'm quite shocked to see her. Anyway we went to have a drink and then chat a while den go home. It's pretty nice to see her... (Think she's rather busy wif her life.. but glad to see dat she has lotsa stuff to keep her occupied.. at least now she's more busy than me le.. haha~).
Todae sales not bad... I made at least 400 plus to 500... Irene is betta den me.. she made 1000 plus.. As compared to working in STD it is betta cuz there we haf 4 ppl.. Supervisor (she's full of experience in SALES). Next, Carmen (she's also a pro) and Yi Qing (she may look very quiet but then she's normally the top!) EVER SINCE, STD haf the 4 of us working togther.. my sales drop drastically.. frm 700 plus to 400 plus to 200 plus to 100 plus each dae.... *sob sob sob*I pray......... I hope........ I wud haf a peaceful and joyful 17 days to go...
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
3:17:00 PM

I chose tis manga.. Hoping that it wud rep my feeling now. I dun noe why I'm always the one being transfer off...
Anyway...I'm now no longer working in SUNTEC. It's kinda sad when I'm leaving yesterdae. I dun wan to post anything at all despite I'm online. I dun wan to think abt it at all....
The good things... ahead of me.. New Environment.. New collegues...New Supervisor... At least I wun get so bored working at the same old place for the rest of my 18 days.. (I actually count down coz I really dun like my work anymore..)
Well... The bad thing is.. No more shopping.. Actually I luv walking down the citylink.. (dun ask me why.. I also dun noe) It's very nice.. Get to look out for NEW TARGET!( hey.. I meant the stuff I wanna buy...) and I juz haf some frenz in the AtriumSale.. So transfering me away now is a little cruel.. Futhermore.. I still tot of shopping at the Late Nite Sale.. *sighhh*
LOL! I gotta go work tml in a NEW environment.. (Worst still.. It's not somewhere near town area! And the person I dun wan to see is juz working 1 shop beside me. GREAT hur?)
Having a mixture of feelings.. fear, puzzled, happy, sad, excited....
Watever it is.. I hope everything wud go on very smoothly and I really really hope that my manger wudn't cum down to my NEW environment to pollute all the nice, fresh stuffs! LOL!
(* I swear I wud still give him a BLACK face.. betta dun cum and tok to me! I really dun like to tok to he tot his jokes are funny... No matter wat he sae or even jokes.. my expression wud never change.. LOL! I think i'm being a bit...E.V.I.L) Anyway I dun care how he thinks abt me... I only haf 18 days more to go!YAY!
Hmm.. I've actually planned out wat how I'm going to spend my pay already!
(Tink DOng!) I'm gonna get myself a new phone - N70. I think the function not bad... dun really need a phone wif so many function which I dun even get to use them. Oh yea! Facial products is a muz! ARTISTRY! I dun noe if I really wan to get this or NEUTROGENA.. (maybe consult my sweetie.. haha~ She's a beauty QUEEN man! U ROX!)
I met Jia Fa yesterdae while I'm banking... He also happen to be banking in the money for their artium sales..
LOL! Now den I noe he's waiting to go army and juz graduate frm TP.. dun noe wat course is that.. wat Info Com.. den still got wat engineering one..
Really kowtou to him... Able to survie so long working in DANO.. hehe... He work in Outlets, Office and atrium for DANO before... Now still can work for them...
Well... going off to post my chi blog.. hehe... Looking forward to working tml wif new ppl. (I pray... I hope.. I wud not get to see ***) :p
Saturday, September 23, 2006
12:03:00 AM
Disappointed. I'm very disappointed wif the company I'm working in now.I hate to feel the way I do now but sad to sae, I really feel very upset and dread going to work these days. Perharps the IMF stuff might have contribute to this, it's rather quiet and very relax mood working during that IMF 10 days. So when it changed back to normal, I get very sick and tired to face all the stuff and my supervisor(sad to sae so... I really can't force myself to love her)My boss appeared yesterdae when I'm playing wif my nails when there's no customers. When I noticed that the boss is just standing outside of the shop, the shop happen to be quite crowded. I'm wear my heels instead of my patent shoes, I'm so afraid dat he might walk in and see me in my heels. GLAD. Joey came over and hand me a knit wear dat has a tiny little stain on it. I took this opportunity to change back to my patent shoes and maybe my anixety cuz my one of my nails to break (How sad it is!?) I cried when I reached home over my nails, it's the 1st time such thing happen on me! It's too cruel, my nice nails, now... so sad... I HATE my boss for coming, I HATE the shop! I HATE my company! I HATE I HATE I HATE!Todae, Jason came at around 2 plus he send me to BUGIS to work for 1 day... cuz somebody has taken a MC so there's not enough ppl there and it's so happen to be ME!! ME!! I've no say but to GO! VIDA, the shop opp U.R.A inc, the shop is very hot and stuffy, small and filled wif lotsa of customers! I could hardly sit down to relax, Kelvin came (the gay man in my co.) He wore a skirt with a pair of pants inside and a singlet with his usual black handbag. I wanted to laugh at his dressing but I think it is very rude so I walked away from where he stood so I wud not get to see his image at all. I'm very afraid dat the manager, Jason wud send me off to one outlet and another to take over other ppl who's on medical leave. I agreed to help him for only ONCE but I'm afraid that he wud ask for more... I really detest ppl like him! I HATE him! I HATE EVERYONE!! I really hate ppl who push me to my limits (dun ever do dat to me to test my patience). Once I'm really fed up wif u, I wud not hestiate to treat u badly so as to protect myself as the 1st priority!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
A Series of UNFORTUNATE events
12:30:00 PM
A Series of UNFORTUNATE events. How unfortunate can it be???
Well I guess I shud change the "UNFORTUNATE" to "IRRITAING"...hmm..not bad either, A Series of IRRITATING events.
Well.. it goes like this.. Series I) I was on the train to work yesterdae when I met a weirdo. This Mr. Weirdo = Irritating Fellow. I'm leaning again the glass panel in the train reading my book, everything is so peaceful and nice until the train reaches BISHAN. Ok, so Mr. Weirdo came in and he stood facing the door and den he turned to face me. OMG! I cannot stand dat at all cuz it very weird to have somebody I dun noe facing me directly! (Btw...he's an Uncle at the age of abt 30++ with a weird body smell..) SO... I'm getting very irritated when the door opens each time he wud move in and den when the door closed he came back to the original position... I cannot stand the situation and the weird SMELL... So I throw my book into my bag (the atmosphere is no longer suitable for reading such a nice novel).
Series II) I cannot stand my SUPERVISOR!! She told me to pack the cabinet and YES... I'm done with everything arranged neatly and she changed everything again!? Might as well do it herself so I'm rather piss off... however I'm also getting to love her! Ya... I'm a weirdo too! I can love u at one time and hate u at another time! So betta DUN MESS WIF ME...LOL~
Series III) My MANAGER!! This guy is a TORTOISE (chi = Wu Gui)..I dun like him
at all... He's such a big bully. He came into the shop 4 times, each time checking on wat we are doing as if we are slacking all the times ( no doubt at times we are really slacking but now atrium sales so we are all very BUSY). The 1st time he enter, I'm ironing the clothes ( my job now is all about ironing..LOL!) and he happen to spot a U mag at the counter so he told my supervisor to remove it. 2nd time he enter, I'm still ironing and Carmen is packing, I saw the customers entering and was juz abt to put down wat I'm doing to serve them and he walk behind me and sae"GO SERVE!" This is RUDE! This tortoise is BLIND! Nvm.. 3rd time he enter, I'm chatting wif Carmen who is eating then, haha! I knew he wud cum in again so I sat down there pretending to check stock! *TINK! I'm so SMART!!! * The4th time he enter... He tot I'm reading some stuff at the counter so he immediately came over to look at wat I'm doing.. (so SORRY to disappoint wat he expected... I happen to be transfering stock out to HQ!) Nahz... LOL~ TOO BAD!!! Betta LUCK next time!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
12:29:00 AM
Phew! I managed to get on a speedy cab and ran as fast as I could juz to get home by TWELVE!! AND... I managed to! Juz came home after meeting Sherry, Sam and Bernice to catch movie "THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA"! Actually I longed to catch that show but sad.. I din find the RIGHT ppl to watch wif me at all... LOL! Before the show.. OF COURSE... we went shopping but it's only Bernice n ME. Hmmm.. went to ZARA(again!) ok.. still the same den Forever 21 (again!) ,watever it is I din spot anything I like..Met Sam den Sherry at TCC, GIRLS TALK! It's a very NICE feeling to sit there and chat together juz the 4 of us! Nice... It's juz so nice dat I'm hoping school to reopen soon so that they wud be more happy days together! We SHOP, We EAT! LOL!OH YEA! Perharp some ppl may be VERY INTERESTED in knowing my result..hmmm.. I cleared all my modules... Yup.. Mainly B... (Happy!?) Anyway I dun really wish to talk much about it...U wan to know it, I wud post it right here. Hmmm.. So here, MR. NICE guy gave me a piece of advice: "DO WAT U ARE HAPPY CAN LE..." Okay... Maybe the story behind this piece of advice wud never be reveal to all at all!Anyway now I have this image in my mind... LOL! I wish that I could be free of trouble and sit alone, somewhere around the Esplanade area, so quiet and so peaceful! Deciding once again who I wan myself to be! What I wan to achieve? What I shud do?Watever it's, I'm tired after rushing home, tml gonna work so GOOD NIGHT!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
9:54:00 PM
OFF day todae..but as compared to my past OFF days.. todae is a very eventful one! Accompany my granny to Gleneagles Hospital for her regular checkup. We arrived early so manage to end the session very quickly...actually it a bit like making a second trip down town cuz I could have went straight down frm there to Orchard...So I made a second trip to town again.. ALONE! Ya...I think I'm more independent now cuz I can even go shopping alone without anyone to accompany me. Yay! I'm more INDEPENDENT! Yep.. Went in FOREVER 21 den to TOPSHOP den to Charles & Keith before walking down to FAR EAST. Hey hey.. I saw my netball teamate but dun noe her name.. LOL! She approached me to give me the CREATE TALENTS modelling card (AGAIN! HELLO! IT'S THE 3RD TIME I RECEIVED THIS CARD!) Anyway I told her not to give me, save the paper, cuz I'm not interested at all...since the previous ones I din turned up at all for the interview, I doubt I wud turned up for thi
s one too... (Can't see my NEW Hairband in this pic!!!)Saw SERENE at FAR EAST todae..den went to walk around..*sad sad sad. I dun think the clothes there worth the price stated so I din wan to buy them but I bought a bangle and a hairband! YAY! Den walk back to FOREVER 21 and bought 3 tops which cost only $79! Yep! Den went to CHARLES & KEITH.. sad.. Din managed to find the kind of shoes that I wan.. SAD!
( Can see my NEW hairband already!! )Went to my workplace and bought Ice Cream for them to snack on.. Since there is so little customers due to the IMF..Tok abt the IMF! OMG! MONDAY! I walk a big round juz to enter the building itself.. so many police surrounding there.. It's a SUPER HOT DAY! Phew.. I'm sweating like hell.. so I bought an ice cream once I enter the building.. SWEET! No CUSTOMERS at times, it's very very quiet and there's so little ppl walking out there..(Not much ppl but many policemen walking around, up and down in BIG GROUP..) Some are walking up and down, looking around, more of SHOPPING den PATROLLING! LOL!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
11:24:00 PM
Well.. I guess I might haf been very insensitive to sense dat poor kelly is actually suffering frm PMS so her mood is juz about dat bad at this period of time. Maybe I shud haf asked her directly dat dae so i wun haf mistaken her. (I doubt I wud dare to ask her cuz her mood is damn bad dat dae) Anyway these 2 days she has been really good to me. In fact, I felt so guilty having to mistaken her dat she's like a 'Evil Witch' who wud torture me for the next 2 days..Day 2...
I'm so freaking afraid dat she wud find some faults to nag about so I did everything nicely and even iron the clothes without her telling me to do so... LOL! It's really very funny when she approached me (Cold sweat! I tot she wud wan to sae sth bad again, preparing to shut my ears..) In fact, the next mintue, I tried hard to absorb in everything she sae to me! LOL! She told me to stop ironing and let her take over and we had a very friendly chat about facial products! GREAT hur!? Todae also! In fact, I feel a little sad when she left todae! So promise to go Centrepoint to look for her to have lunch together.... yay!She's really very nice to intro me a nice skin care product! I've already order 8 bottles frm her which include cleanser, toner, eye cream, scrub, mask, night cream, body lotion.. She decided to help me to order thru net and sent them to Malaysia before handling them to me, so when it's being converted to SD$ it wud be cheaper by a little.. YAY! NEW STUFF!! Being guilty, I decide to remove the previous post! haha~
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
TIME...moves very very slowly...
11:32:00 PM
WHY! Todae the clock seems very RETARTED! I juz dun noe why.. anyway I reached there damn early so went to buy breakfast.. but I went to buy something called "zhui kay" I dun noe correct spelling a not.. but it taste very nice! YUMMY!Still gotta stand outside the shop for 15 mintues before Carmen cum. She's always late! Anyway... I managed to everything nicely todae.. BUT! The shop seems very stuffy the whole morning...not only I feel it dat way.. Carmen also feels it dat way. Esp after my breakfast, I feel like vomitting.. Terrible still when I gotta bend up and down to hang up all the stock... Some reasons, I'm not really very focus at work the whole morning. Gotta face some troublesome aunties, I nearly exploded! Worst still, I met this 2 ladies who took lotsa clothes and try on for FUN.. watever.. anyway.. I din wanna serve them so went to buy my lunch.. They took 1hr 23 mintues... SO long! The clothes at the basket are piling up like wat... I feel so piss off esp after my meals and gotta clear up this mess.. and both of them bought only 2 items each costing $10/-! GREAT!CHERYL! It's pretty shocking to see cheryl here todae.. hearing dat she came to visit me, feel so happy.. THANKS CHERYL! MUCK! Din managed to talk much.. yep! LOVE YA!Anyway.. my com gonna send for repair tml.. so gonna have to use my sis's lappy.. sighhh.. Why is there a hardware prob!!!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Wat a DAY!
8:08:00 PM
FACE IT! I'm F.A.T! Hurrrr... I dun wish to think abt it.. but den... as compared... I'm fat ! *sob sob sob... cuz now working worst..
no customers time = Snacks TIME! So I wud went to buy lotsa snacks back and eat and eat! EAT NON STOP! SO! I decided to go on diet once again...hehe..AGAIN!!?? YES! AGAIN! HEAR ME! AGAIN! Nvm.. I din managed to succeed anyway.Anyway these days no pics cuz too busy le.. somemore din meet my sweetie so no pics. Look at the prove! I'm FAT!
I juz painted my nails... Feel so happy..haha.. I make sure I wud go to the NAILS DIVA one day to have my nails pretty done! Cuz I wud peek inside the shop everyday passing by them... haha...Now my nails longer so can play with them le! LALALALA~ Anyway.. got the GOOD NEWS! Rofina not cuming to take over Carmen on FRI, SAT and SUN! It's KELLY!!! YAY! YAY! YAY!Wondering how cum I so happy,rite? Cuz Rofina is the SUPERVISOR, wif her
around = No snacks time, no wearing of slippers. So pathetic.. But with Kelly around = Carmen around! Cuz Kelly is juz like us, she's not a in-charge nor a supervisor... heard dat she's very chatty and loves snacking also.. YAY!
Anyway todae no work.. DAMN FED UP wif my notebook! Something wrong with the screen cuz there is this very irrtating white line arcoss my screen. So my sis called up ACER and they wud be taking my darling back this FRI... Sad. So wun be online dat often cuz online= sis notebook. Anyway I also very tired after work each day, no time to play. I wonder if dey wud provide delivery service to send my darling back here.. cuz 1st: I'm lazy to go there to collect my lappy. 2nd: I dun noe how to go there! LOL!So FREE todae.. Accompany my sis to go interview.. so funny.. dat lady tot I'm the one going for interview. LOL! It's a shop called "ORGANIC 4LESS" near Thomson Plaza. Anyway I feel so sick facing those stuff.. So many food in powder form... having meals with all those powder.. EEEEEEEEEE! NO THANKS! My GREAT SIS! Cuz she scarificed her job opportunity becuz of me..cuz the lady ask her to work tml but den she gotta be around on FRI so can make sure that ACER man cum to collect my lappy.. In the end.. she din get the job! Feel so sorry! SO GUILTY!!!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
11:48:00 PM
ISSUE NO.88This is my NICOLETTE MAG ISSUE NO.88! LOL! Having tis idea todae while stonning when there's no customers and decided to publish one issue each month! Great! Anyway skip the issue if u dun wanna read it.. it's nth much.. juz trying to act as if I'm an editor! *Influence too much frm reading THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA!NICOLETTEDIARYI'm craving for more time to sleep, to rest, to do my own beauty stuff, to shop and so on... NO time for all these! ARGHHH! Wake up early with insufficient sleep den gotta make up (*irritating part to start off a day with make up) cuz I dun like to these days. Getting really very very sick and tired... Den gotta pick and choose wat I'm going to wear.. (*Irritaing also! Seems like dun haf enough clothes when my closet is so full!) As usual, I wud spend $2.80 at BREADTALK to begin my first meal - my 'breadfast'..Trying hard to finish it by the time I get to my work place. Made me feel so sick! Who dun get sick eating bread everyday?Cleaning my darling "Mirror Mirror on the Wall" and it's tedious cuz I'm not so tall!This is how I spend my each and every day which is getting very BORING!Anyway... Tot if sth on the train.. cum to think of wat happen made me PUKE! YUCK! Dun ever cum near me.. I make sure I'll give u one TIGHT slap! Think of it.. really very disgusting! Arghhh! Leaving such an ugly memory in my life.. tsk tsk tsk.. I shud really send u to HELL and boiled u in a hot boiling oil! OFF day on TUES! Wat's am I going to do! I dun wanna stay at home but dun really wan to shop.. cuz I'm very tired.. dun even wanna cum online cuz I'm getting rather sick to be online.. Lazy me.. dun wan to check mail and blog..haha~B-G-R I heard frm one of my collegue abt sth very interesting.. It goes like this..Guys...When they find a normal looking gal - Motobike.They wud feel very inferior when they see other guys driving POSCHE. However they are afraid that when they drive a POSCHE, they might not be able to control that well so turn to Motorbike is the BEST alternative. It is common as u get to see them as often as u get to see a POSCHE but is the safest one.When they find a very GORGEOUS looking babe - POSCHE.They wud feel very proud. (Who dun feel proud when u are driving a posche when the others are driving the common Honda?) They wud be very proud and wud see themselves as someone who had great abilities and charisma to be able to drive a POSCHE around. However, deep inside their heart, they wud feel very insecured. They are afraid that their POSCHE wud be stolen one day by somebody else.When they get married - they are driving not a motorbike, not a posche but a common car.They wud feel uneasy without them but they wud feel very sick and tired to be with them for the rest of their lives. However as compared to driving a Motorbike, it is safer, a posche, it is more secured. No fear, No worry...(Personally I think, It may not be applicable to all guys but it do somehow fits in..)
Saturday, September 02, 2006
12:44:00 AM
Aunites are really bullies. When it cums to sales, I dun understand why they ask for so much, making things hard for ppl and scold them for the so called "incompetency". Didn't blogged last nite cuz I'm very tired.. While waiting for my hair to dry so I can sleep so I blog. Anyway, todae met a few very unreasonable aunties. TSK! This aunty bought a cardigan for $15/- (hello! it's a sales item.. so cheap already, so it's the co. policy that u can't try) Imagine if an item for $10 or $15, yet we allowed ppl to try on and on, wud u wan to buy it. I wun! It's so dirty already, it's den cheap and dirty. *Who wans to buy it den. They dun understand, it's the short term benefits that they see, secondary effects are usually more important by they cums slower than primary effects.So she bought a M size one and she paid! TSK! Den she put it on and try and her friends (all aunties) came and sae that it wud look betta if she bought the L size one. So she ask for an exchange. Goods sold are not exchangable. She's making things hard for me.Nightmare! Her group of aunties kept saying, "can la, anyway she pay liao mahz. can lahz. dun tell ur manager can liao lohz. can lahz.. anyway she still buy one cardigan from ur shop, and she juz try on ONCE!" OMG! I dun noe wat they are really up to but I really speechless so no choice gotta ask Carmen out to speak to them. Finally, they can't win over Carmen so they left den the auntie still ask me, really cannot change arh, I sae cannot and she immediately sae, " i dun like the service. Bad Service. Tsk!"WahX! I really cannot tahan her. If she wud thinks it's fine to do this and we allow hundred ppl to do this everyday, can u imagine, watever items u bought have been tried on a few hundred times, esp knit wear type, 'S' size wud den even be able to become 'M'. Wat's the point!