Saturday, July 29, 2006
Toubles... Troubles... I sense the troubles!
10:04:00 PM
Mondae gonna sign up for SC for BAoc'07... GROUP 6! Yay!!!Huh... So troubled.. very troubled... extremely troubled.. How cum this kinda stuff always troubling me as in how cum I always get so troubled by this!! Watever.. i tried not to think abt tis matter and see how long I can drag on... Can drag den drag.. cuz I really dun wish to think abt this at this moment..Examations are just round the corner and I really dun wish to think abt this kinda stuff right now.. It's distracting me! I can't FOCUS!!! I also dun noe wat's wrong with me... I dun seems to be able to complete my tutorials, assignment and performing well!!! Sometimes I dun wish ppl to noe so much stuff.. I rather kept some parts of it in me.. I choose to.. I want to...Leaving nth behind but bleeding.... and scars...
Friday, July 28, 2006
Straw Bridge? We DID IT!!!
7:35:00 PM
Yay! Todae went to queue for JY concert @ NP! Hmmm.. but den the queue also rather short... Yay! JY! SO cute! So shuai! hmmm... LoOking forward to the coming Wednesdae....
Todae CATS last lesson... So sad.. Can't get to see my "Uncle Yong"... he is a cute uncle... hehe... sry.. cute tutor.. Anyway todae he wanted us to construct a BRIDGE! Given only 30 pathetic flimsy STRAWS, 5 "strong" satay sticks and "super sticky" Scotch Tape... The tape he gave also very "LONG"... Wif insufficient materials, we still managed to DID IT! Ours is the MOST STABLE one.. Very stable.. Thou it may not be the highest.. or Longest...Netball todae.. Form 3 team and my side haf 8 ppl.. so I volunteer to be the R = Reserve! haha~ No mood cuz not Puva.. So yea.. Den somemore it rained n we haf to move to the spectators area.. Den we chatted and chatted until it was 1657 and we were dismissed..Hmmm.. Ran into the AnDeRsOn gal.. She's so nice.. acc me all the way to AMK... had some JUCIY GOSSIP! hehe~ GREAT day!Hmmm.. Feel like playing SIM 2 so much... Sad sad sad! I wan to play SIM 2!!!!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Stressful yet Wondeful!
8:32:00 PM
Hmmm... I think there's really sth wrong... For the past few days, I haf been trying to post sth up.. however I dun noe wat's wrong, I can't post a single stuff.. Juz den I saw my Mondae entry up there already.. Kinda werid... But nvm... Now no need to update wat happen on Mondae..hehe.. Well.. This week kinda rather stressed out but it's a pretty wonderful week.. So updates updates now...Tues (25Jul2006)No BSTA tutorial cuz E-Learning so went to school for OCOM Table Topic.. My topic,"Entreprenuer are born, not made" and I'm the 1st one to go.. Yep.. I din ask for a change of topic cuz OCL sae she wud minus 2 marks each time we change the topic.. So I juz take the topic and go.. I tot of alot of areas I can covered on but den.. freak out half way so skipped on to example immediately so in the end din managed to touch on the other areas... Graded D! Tsk Tsk Tsk... den she still comment dat my skirt TOO SHORT.. PISS OFF... Wat's her prob.. Din she see there are ppl walking all around the campus wearing shorter ones.. Anyway we took pics agaiN!
Melody, Bernice and Me!
Waox! Business Women...
Nic and Bernice!
Nic and Sam!
Mel and Nic!Wed (26Jul2006)OB lecture ROX ! Adrain Er managed to finished both LEADERSHIP 1 n 2! OMG... that's meant the whole OB covered finished already... GREAT! Hmmm.. Din haf my Leadership 2 lecture notes with me.. but managed to follow the lecture using lappie..hehe~ Sam typing speed was indeed very FAST! I din really managed to type wat he sae all down...sighhh.. hehe~ CIP tutorial.. 1st time so bad.. I din attempt the tutorials so grab one copy from Bernice instead.. Phew... Luckily ASH den really check thru my work.. Wasn't really paying attention to her during the CIP tutorial... In FACT, I'm reading my OCOM notes to prepare for the OCOM test at 1730. Sighh.. STRESS!!! However, the paper still managable.. Hope I can pass OCOM... and my 2nd round Table Topic nxt Tues. I'm gonna make sure I wear pants.. see if she still haf any comments to make about my attire.
Photo taken during CIP tutorial.. In the toilet..haha~ we juz love taking pic in the toilet..haha! SMILE!
However it's still a very wonderful dae...huh.. Very weird!!! haha~ Early in the moring damn BAD liao.. I saw four 74 buses passing by while waiting at the traffic light... and the traffic light... Dun noe wat's the prob...So slow reaction.. Watever.. In the end, board on this very crowded 74 bus and managed to get a seat. HOWEVER, here cums the NIGHTMARE! Later den I noticed dat the guy seated beside me is the "MR.Sleeping Beauty". Cuz he like to sleep in the bus and he often slept until he's leaning onto the person whoever seated beside him.. so.... I'm so damn "lucky" to meet him again todae!!! My nightmare had just begun.. He is damn disgusting.. he kept leaning over.. however he leaning more to the uncle at the other side... (haha~ den u shud haf seen the uncle reaction, the uncle kept moving and moving.. and the guy even leaned on the chest of the uncle lohz! LOL! I'm being EVIL! haha~ So funny! Then the other kept looking over this side... Enjoying the SHOW!) I'm really very piss off by him so I sort of moved and made him off to the other side.. He din even bother to wake up and stay awake after that lohz... Worst still.. In the end he even leaned on my shoulder.. so I sort of pushed him over and TSK.. Throwing my phone into my bag and was abt to get up to stand for the rest of the journey.. H0wever, I din... cuz he FINALLY noe dat he piss me he still carry on with his sleeping, trying hard to stay awake.. This is the THIRD TIME I kanna run into him lohz.. Hate it so much!Watever.. Din really spoilt my day dat much..Hmmm..No more OCOM lecture so had 4 hrs of break.. went to Pizzahut at Bukit Timah Plaza and was damn full.. We took lotsa pics....Let's learn 1, 2, 3!
Princess Sam! How cum there is Bernice in the pic! haha~
Princess Sherry! Sexy babe!
Princess Bernice... Erhmmm..My dear bernice... ur leg shaking a not arh? haha~
And me! haha! I not so tall so erhmmm.. So my leg not shaking..haha~ Dun try to understand... U wud never be able to understand wat I'm saying..haha~ but.. It so really very FUNNY!!!
Cheese! At PIZZA HUT! hehe~ TF02 behind us!
Dey're really very united... as compared to us... hmmmm...
:p! hehe!
Aiyo Bernice!!!!Dun LICK me! hehe! How cum ur tongue seems so long... hehe!Den met into another guy who VOMIT! OMG! WAT KINDA DAE IS TODAE!Cuz I'm walking pass the sink area with the Melody at Canteen One.. den so happen dat there is this guy who ran so fast towards the sink.. I happen to notice him cuz he just cut arcoss us and we stopped to let him pass thru.. After that.... "BLAHZ!" I heard this and then it carried on and on.. den there is the smell..GROSS! I feel so disgusted.. Eeeeeeee... Luckily I wasn't snacking anything.. If not.. Eweeeee... My God! It sort of rained a while todae and I'm wearing the RAINY SKIRT todae lohz...
Monday, July 24, 2006
8:56:00 PM
Saturday, July 22, 2006
SEVENTEEN Horoscope....
10:45:00 PM
Do grab one copy of this mth SEVENTEEN... it's nice!LEO (Jul 23 - Aug 22)
The leo gal: Confident, Generous n Outgoing
Your special trait: You really take care of those u love.
Lucky days: 14th , 17th, 26th
This mth: Since sch got out, u've been dropping hints that u like one certain guy, but he's been too dirstracted to get the message. Luckily, romantic Venus will move into ur sign on the 12th, giving u a chance to make a solid love connection. Take a deep breath and make the 1st move: u wun regret it - and neither will he!
Virgo ( Aug 23 - Sep 22)It feels like everyone is demanding a lot frm u, and around the 7th, the pressure will really start to weigh u down. But dun get overwhelmed - by the 27th, u'll be able to see that u haf actually been made wat too hard for urself. U're soing great job - and everyone already sees that.Libra ( Sep 23 - Oct 22)That new friend of urs seemed super sweet at first, but recently, u've seen a side of her that really annoys u. Resist the urge to call her on her clinginess: by the 26th she'll choose to hang out with a different gp of gals - this will be good news becuz u dun wun haf to pretend dat u like her anymore!Scorpio ( Oct 23 - Nov 21)
U wun have a second to be bored becuz by the 2nd, ur social calendar will be totally filled. juz dun let all the fun that u've get in the way of work. Someone important is watching - and now is the time to show her how talented u are. Find a balance in wat u need to do and what u wan to do.Sagittarius ( Nov 22 - Dec 21)While u've been hitting the beach and doing some serious summer shopping, a few friends have been feeling neglected. When one of them invites u to a party around the 17th, tell her u'll be there. It'll be a great chance to reconnect with her - beside u're bound to meet someone new (and CUTE!) before the night is over.Capricorn ( Dec 22 - Jan 19 )When u cum into a little extra cash around the 7th, u'll be tempted to blow it all on ur next trip to the mall - but dun! Go ahead and treat urself to sth small, but stay away frm sth too expensive or u'll be broke by the 31st - and will have to miss out on a really fun day with the gals.Aquarius ( Jan 20 - Feb 18 )One of ur closest friends will let u down in a major way around the 9th. Attempt to keep things in perspective and remember she's always been there for u in the past. Before the 12th, she'll explain wat happened, and then u'll wonder why u ever questioned her friendship. Summer wun be as much fun without her anyway.Pisces ( Feb 19 - Mar 20 )U'll be feeling very emotional once the Moon enters ur sign on the 10th, but dun overreact when a gd frenz sae sth a little rude to u around teh 21st. Chances are u misunderstood wat she really meant, so try to stay clam and ask her abt it. Once u clear the air, u'll be feeling a lot better.Aries ( Mar 21 - Apr 19)Everyone is drawn to u right now - but that is becuz it's obvious u're having a ton of fun, and they wan in on the action. When one of ur newest admirers pays u a compliment around the 12th, dun blow it off. He might seem a bit too smooth - but if u ask sround, u'll discover dat he's really sincere.Tarus ( Apr 20 - May 20 )Family life will get kinda heavy right around the 9th, and by the 14th, it'll leaves u pretty shaken. It's going to take longer than u'd like for things to clam down again, but u'll start feeling clamer once u find a physical outlet for ur emotions - try hitting the gym or maybe going for a run with a friend u can really talk to.Gemini ( May 21 - Jun 20 )If u've gt chores to do, get them out of the way before the 11th - frm them until 27th, u'll be too busy with parties, trips, and get-togethers to even think abt ur-to-do list. A younger friend or sister will be a bit jealous of all the fun u're having, so carve out a little time juz for her. It will meant a lot.Cancer ( Jun 21 - Jul 22 )Trust ur instincts qound the 7th and treat dat guy u like to pizza or ice cream. It will deepen ur bond and make u realise the 2 of u could become more than friends by the time summer is over. But dun try too hard to impress him, or by the 15th he'll feel smothered n wun wan to hang out anymore.Phew... FINALLY I"M DONE! HOPE U GALS ENJOY!
9:50:00 PM
It's really getting on my nerves! I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!!!!
I dun understand why ppl like to ask so much if u are single or attached!!! Wat's the big deal abt this.... WHO CARES !!?? So wat if u noe if I'm SINGLE or ATTACHED!! LAME lohz.. Anyway I have been repeating myself a zillion times again n again.... and it's really getting on my nerves... OK fine! Make it clear once and for all! I'M SINGLE n STOP ASKING ME the same QUESTION AGAIN N AGAIN! Damn it! It's just so irritating... when ppl juz keep asking once in a while and it's none of their biz anyway so why ask.. FOR FUN? Nahz....
I shall shud the next person mouth up... whoever dare to ask me again! hahahaha~ Dun blame me...Nt my fault..
BSTA Common Test on Mondae......AND! I haven't started anything yet..... Shouldn't have went out todae....Anyway tml have to work on all the 3 chapters by Mondae... SUX!Great lohz... gotta rush again.. wat shud I say.. I LOVE IT!?
Friday, July 21, 2006
10:02:00 PM
Hmmm.. Decided to post a new entry for this topic... Juz bought SEVENTEEN n saw this interesting part so decided to share around...
JERK ALERT! TOP 6 guys to AVOID!1. the GAME PLAYERYou may think he is perfect - attentive, caring n sweet... but haf u tot of those phone calls he sneaks off to take? They say a few other gals r thinking the same thing...
IF U DATE HIM...U'll end up wif a broken heart - becuz when it cums to love, he's looking for quantity, not quality! 2. the CHEAPSKATE
He loves his cash - a lot more than he loves you. Go out to dinner, and he'll be sure to tell you wat ur half of the bills is at the end of the night.
If U DATE HIM....His reluctant to spend a dime will make you feel cheap - like he doesn't think you're worth a dime either!3. the EX-OBSESSEDU're less of a gf and more of a substitue for his last one, likely the girl who dumped him. He's totally infatuated with her - NOT YOU!If U DATE HIM...U'll always feel like u're being compared wif his ex - and coming up short. Thta wud crush any ego!4. the FIXER-UPPERU can replace his ugly brown slacks with cool jeans but u can't change his personality any more than u can change his body type.IF U DATE HIM...U'll never be statisfied. If he's not right for u now, trying to "improve" him will only frutrate u both!5. the FIGHTERHe's a hothead who treats u more than like a verbal-sparring partner than a gf. And he goes ballistic if another guy even looks at you.IF U DATE HIM...U'll always argue. His love of confrontation will create way more stress than any relationship can survive.6. the STALKER (I tink tis is the most scary one!)He really likes you. Amd at first it's ncie to be showered with attention. But his constant phone calls and weird doodles of you are just creepy.IF U DATE HIM...U'll wind up obessed wif ur caller ID to dodge him. His clinginess will smother u - drve u nuts!7. the 2-timer ( I added tis myself!)I think dating a 2 timer wud be bad... He may not tell u he is a 2 timer but by asking him questions.. u wud be able to feel is he is the ONE! Normally guys dun admit they are 2 timer cuz they are afraid to tell u, it is kinda sad to be the one kept in the dark...
SoooO gals... If u try asking dem and they are interested abt 2 timing.... HE'S THE ONE! - u shud avoid.. If a guy really LOVE U, he wud not even think of 2 timing n not even wan to hurt u no matter wat! So...for me.. I wud never trust dat guy totally unless he prove to me that he really luv me... NEVER A 2 TIMER n a STALKER!
Nose BLEED? WRONG bus?
9:17:00 PM
Huerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... Todae so suey... Arghhhhhhhhhhh!
Todae CATS presentation n dat "Uncle Yong" keep asking my gp to promote more abt our product... So evil.. Hello Uncle Yong ... Nxt time if u wan to ask so much frm Yr 1 freshies.. u shud do it urself! It's like so DUH.. Ours product is swimming pool.. so u expect us to act as fishes and swim? DUH! (maybe the GREAT Uncle Yong can be the BEST Actor.. to be a FISH! den swim around the classroom...) OMG! Damn cute... I'm gonna luv it..hehe... (pardon me for being EVIL*)SW Netball todae.. AGAIN! I'm soooo tired.. still haf 3 more session to go.. Todae damn FUN! LUV IT! hehe~ Actually it did sort of rained...but den it stopped! so GO ON COURT!!! haiz.. Have lotsa DRILLS todae.. damn exhausting.. but I love it! We haf a small 3 vs 3 game n I accidentally scratch Julia's hands with my nails.. OUCH! Sorrrrry... Play NBALL cannot haf long nails..but my nails still growing mahz.. I cannot bear to cut dem.. so PRECIOUS! Cum to the REAL game! Tsk tsk tsk... I played WD thru out for dun noe how many round... Anyway defence betta den attack... but kanna stepped by WA many times.. PAIN... den I stepped on her also (*all accidentally one) den she sae she not pain cuz her shoes haf lotsa space at the front area.. DUH!!! WORST STILL! KANNA HIT by the BALL.. somemore HIT MY NOSE lohz.. SO PAIN.. tears abt to cum out then.. So chiam still, tot can leave court since tis round ended.. who noe she sae my team stay on court.. So still gotta play again... OUCHHHHH! Damn painful... Den so giddy... I SEE THE STARS!!! After all the game, she made us run... Not EASY hor... run up n down the court... quite tedious but LOVE IT!After SW went home lohz..BUT!!!WTH! I BOARD THE WRONG BUS! Damn it lahz.. I still dun noe... Hurrr.. Damn BLUR.. coz while waiting for the bus my nose still very pain.. den feel so giddy.. din even notice much of wat bus n stuff lahz... SO when I saw a DOUBLE DECK wif the bus no. ended wif a 4.. I BOARD dat BUS! Din even realise it's 154 nt 74! DUH! WTH.. den ended up taking 132 home at SCGS there...Ahhhhhhh! Den 132 still gotta wait damn long.. All the ball fault! Made my nose so PAIN! SO GIDDY! HEADACHE!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Projects r over, Tests r here!
5:59:00 PM
FRUSTRATION! I posted twice yesterdae lohz but the stupid system got prob.. waste my time having to type again n again.. In the end still cannot get posted up... Arghhhhh....
I didn't had the time to post any stuff cuz I'm rushing! I had to complete the PBL website.. I took me so long... Anyway yea... Once again didn't get to sleep much... SO TIREDDDDD! I'm basically stressed out by PBL these days... it's like sooooO much to do... den I had the OCOM Table Topic.. OCL was quite WEIRD... She gave me dat puzzled look like "wat r u trying to sae"... Made me even more nervous lohz.. watever it is.. honestly I'm sooooo super tired dat I didn't really bothers much so anyhow speaks wat came to mind...DUH!
BAD BAD BAD... I wore the "Rainy Skirt" n it rained.. damn it lohz... I dun noe wat's the prob with the skirt lahz.. I wore it last Wed n it rained.. nvm.. It wore it this wed n it also rained... I dun noe wat's wrong wif the skirt or it happen to rained WED! Watever it is... No OB lecture so went for CIP lecture.. tsk tsk tsk.. PATHETIC! Not I pathetic is the lecture pathetic.. so "MANY" ppl in the takes up only less than half the centre part of the lecture hall.. N she like also so slack.. Honestly, I didn't really pay attention during the lecture, only noe it's sth abt cookies...cuz I'm so HUNGRY den attracted to the word COOKIES! I also dun noe wat she taught... Dun really noe much abt wat she taught cuz I'm trying to download MANIA frm Sherry.. haiz.. tot I can play during the lecture but den... load half way STUCK! OMG! Damn piss off.. So happen when it STUCK..she also END her lecture.. Den she also veri evil... raining so heavily out there she sae end liao muz go out cuz she wan to lock the LT.. It's flooded... haha~ I'm glad never wear jeans (anyway I seldom really wear dem to sch) CIP PBL PRESENTATION SCREWED DUP !!! Actually nt really veri screwed dup lahz.. I think we haf did our best, juz dat the other class did better... Anyway the tutor also dun really care much, when we present she din even pay much attention lohz... I think it is damn RUDE.. but who cares... the WORST PART... she kept asking ppl to ask our gp questions after the presentation.. Wat's her prob! Damn irritating... BIAS! Watever it is, it's over so RELAX now! Only left with CATS! haha~ I LOVE IT!Yay! Finally upload all the pics liao...
Me n Sherry... At CIP Tutorial...

I look dao mehz.. Sherry sae so..hehe~

Me n Bernice... Isn's she CUTE! Brighten up my dae! LUV YA!

After our OB meeting at National Lib...

Waiting for the train...
Bernice N Melody..Okok... Tis pic haf story one hor... Notice there's a woman at the top left hand corner of the pic.. After Bernice taken the pic, she showed me n sae, " Ae.. U see.. Ghost Ghost..." OMG! I really tot it is lohz.. so was kinda freak out... Later Melody den sae is Reflection...haha~ Poor Lady.. She sat there for nth get into the pic.. but den get inside the pic still alright but she was kanna taken to be the GHOST in the pic..LOL...
My dear Bernice arh... Next time muz take other stuff as ur background hor..LOL
Monday, July 17, 2006
Projects! Driving me CRAZY!
11:52:00 PM
TRIED! Didn't haf the time to post yesterdae... was damn busy with my CIP, OB project. Sighhh... I didn't get to have enough sleep for days.. and all the projects are coming up! Driving me CRAZY these days.. Not even that.. I didn't even haf the time to do my tutorials and it is all last minue work.. WTH.. I really hate it.. Yesterdae, went to National Lib to discuss our OB project.. and it is like so.. ok nvm... Everyone looked very stressed up.. cuz todae is the presentation and we are sort of doing it last mintue.. I think I pretty slack cuz didn't contribute much to them.. had been doing my CIP all day long.. Also dun noe why how cum my progress had been so slow for CIP.. it has been like taking me days to complete the stupid PBL PROPOSAL N PPT.. Luckily Sam helped me out wif my Software part...Slept for only 4 hr yesterdae and rush out todae like wat.. as usual gastric pain again.. Bear with the pain until the end of OB tutorial.. didn't tell anyone cuz having presentation on..Todae is like hell.. as in..terrible.. Cuz when I rushed to sch, I then realised dat I haf not done my Student Feedback Form.. and the worst part is gotta hand in all the stuff by 0900! Headache.. Thnx for the milo that Bernice bought for me! So warm esp early in the morning.. OB presentation.. not screwed up at all.. In fact I think ours is quite ok.. dun worry too much gals.. oh yea.. didn't even do my OB tutorial.. 1st time.. so blur during tutorial cuz I didn't prepare at all.. BSTA lecture was damn like hell.. He (SONY) juz go on so fast like a bullet train.. still prefer OPL and the Spec guy.. haiz.. den he is like kept scolding ppl.. last lecture still like dat.. bad bad bad.. Nearly fall alsleep during his lecture.. anyway didn't catch much cuz dun really understand.. After school still gotta rushed back for tuition... haha~ when teaching Acid, Bases and Salt cum Alcohol and Organic Acid.. it was damn fun.. betta den BSTA earlier.. Just finished my BSTA tutorial and it is like anyhow do lohz.. WTH! HOW CUM I LIKE DAT! Yea... really tired.. fall alsleep halfway thru while doing the tutorial.. I really tired.. both physically and mentally.. My soul.. My mind.. I'm tired... I just wanna haf a nice day where I can do wat I like and throw everything aside for the time being.... Can I or Can I not? Tests, Projects and stuff.. I really haf limited 24 hrs...
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Peace at LAST! GOOD GAL?
6:37:00 PM
PEACE! I haf been waiting for tis day to cum for a long long time already... and... GUESS WAT! Finally, my cousin (* let's call him balloon guy), he MOVED OUT OF MY HOUSE TODAE! haha~ I'm soooo happy! Cuz he has been giving us a lot of troubles and his mom, also dun noe why insist dat he stay here for so long... Afraid dat he may hang out wif bad companies? Perharp she doesn't even noe that he has already been doing so before he came over.. so wat's the use.. Balloon guy.. how shud I describe him.. ok! He is horizontally challenged and he often used that to bully younger kids ( I get so irritated when he did that), he loves to eat (ate up most of my snacks), he luvs to act that he is very "beng" (in fact, HE'S NOT! It only made him seems VERY ACT).... Oh yea... The MOST irritating thing is.. when he first stepped into my house, he tot dat I wun scold at him so he can do all he wan, and he tot I'm MISS NICE LADY... So he often irritates my and we often have several CLASHES and QUARREL A LOT! Anyway.. he is finally moving out.. and yea.. Now.. PEACE AT more fearing dat he wud eat up my snacks.. :pHmmm.. Projects and projects.. SO STRESSED UP! Sighhh.. didn't catch enough sleep at all for days.. OH MY! How long is this going to drag on...Todae.. I came arcoss this website and let me quote a very interesting one.. How to define a GOOD GF!"A good girl is a:
a companion in the living room
a chef in the kitchen
a whore in the bedroom
and a teacher in the study room!"
I think it is quite interesting.. It is quite a interesting website..
So do check it out.. byeee.. Off to chong PROJECTS liao!BYEEE!
Friday, July 14, 2006
Week 13 - GOOD or BAD?
9:10:00 PM
OK GREAT! Finally, I managed to sort of created my blog... (crap.. it took me such a long time...) Ok.. anyway yea.. It has been created.. Though a bit not complete..
WEEK 13! Hmmm.. This week has indeed been a very UNLUCKY week.. Lotsa stuff happened! Update! Update!Monday (10Jul06)
Mondae.. hmmm.. kinda quite stressed up.. BSTA Hypothesis Testing.. It was pretty stuck.. WTH! Anyway.. it was conducted OPL.. so yea.. I tink it's pretty interesting.. Cuz he is CUTE! haha~ ok.. he is kinda weird~ Everytime use transparency to conduct lecture.. Melody took a photo of him while playing with my phone.. and always has the CUTE SPASTIC smile.. haha~
Tuesday (11Jul06)BSTA tutorial... luckily OPL never call me to do the questions.. ok.. sux.. I didn't managed to catch the whole thing afterall.. Anyway todae is kinda SO BAD! Ok.. great.. about some stuff. Sometimes dun understand why it is so screwed up.. Nvm.. Well.. todae... OCL was a bit too friendly.. feel so uneasy.. Her STICKY EYES was too sticky liao, so scary when she looked at me.. like her eyeballs gonna POP OUT! I think she is trying too hard... haiz.. anyway BAD DAY! My mood totally turned SO BAD during OCOM!Wednesday (12Jul06)Hmmm.. IT RAINED! OMG! I still tot it wud be a BRIGHT SUNNY day.. haizz. Never bought my jacket.. In the END, I caught a slight flu.. SO COLD.. Still got no shelter.. Shivering in the Lecture Hall.. Can't concentrate well in OB lecture.. CIP.. STRESSED UP! PBL! Giving me headache... SO many to do.. Date due on MON.. sighh.. STRESS!
Me, Sam and Sherry - CIP tutorial.. haha~
VENT MY ANGER! SHUD DUP!Thursday (13Jul06)Yesterdae was very event-ful..hehe~ The WHOLE CLASS wore WHITE todae! Cuz it is 13th!! Nahz..hehe~ Den got this Pandemic Flu Exercise... Had to take temperature.. Honestly..I didn't take my temperature at all... (GUILTY*) okok.. anyway after MIEC tutorial.. Actually gonna haf lunch in SP - sort if the whole class went... but den... sth happened so the 3 of us, Sam, Sherry and ME didn't go... Worried abt sth.. yea.. but den also quite "FUN".. Cuz we "chong" to finish our CIP MS Word Exercise.. DAMN DIFFICULT... my god.. The rest did so fast.. they reach No.4, I stuck at No.2... WTH... Den I think my data haf some prob... aiyo.. redo and redo.. damn it.. During OCOM lecture.. Very sianz.. Very bo liao.. so i took some pics.. Nahz.. Kinda dun understand what Mr. Lee sae.. MIEC
tutorial... SCREWED UP! Ok great.. NVM..
The empty OCOM lecture... Where has everyone gone!?
Packing my stuff.... Empty table.. GIVE UP!
MY lanyard! YELLOW ZONE!
This sticker cum FREE! showing we're well!
Excuse me.. wud u like to haf one?

Told u.. We all really whole class wear WHITE!
Frm Left, Erly, Sam, Sherry, Bernice and ME!

This is my OB group, Next to me is MELODY!
Friday (14Jul06)Todae very sianz... cuz... CATS.. anyway I think my CATS group todae very productive.. we did a lot.. cuz next FRI presentation liao mahz.. haha.. LAST MINTUE.. Anyway I think my gp ROX! ok.. SW.. Netball.. Todae..the game very irritating and very boring.. Cuz there's 3 guys in our afternoon shift.. GUYS play NETBALL??? Yea.. U never get the wrong message.. It is a very boring game.. cuz they all so TALL.. den easily shoot in and easily catch the ball.. haiz.. Anyhow shoot, the ball also went in.. Very tired..haha~ Todae I didn't go on court.. cuz I dun wan to play.. very slack.. Tiring man...